53 Thoughts Every Girl Has When the Target Obsession Is Too Real

Target…the mecca of all things cute and inexpensive. Why is it that no matter what we’re going there to buy…we always end up with about 30 other items that we definitely did not need?! It’s all so cute and hard to resist. 


We put an hour into the parking meter, swearing we won’t take longer than that but every. freaking. time. we run back out to add about two more. Why is it that as soon as we walk into those bright red doors, all sense of self-control doesn’t come with us?!


1. Okay, I have a list. Stick. To. The. List.


2. Toothpaste, paper towels, a birthday present for mom. Nothing else.


3. I should just get a basket. I only need three things.


4. Oh, look, the dollar section!


5. These little things are so cute!


6. Maybe just one.


7. Okay. Focus.


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I am a writer, reader, and self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur. I sing as often as I speak and I am fundamentally bad at playing it cool.Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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