Woman Calls Police To Report A Dead Dog, Gets Hilarious And Unexpected Response

It’s a known motto that when you see something, you say something—no matter what the situation may be. For many, that means anything that can be considered a crime or someone doing the wrong thing. I’d hope that you’re the type of person who does call the police or other authorities when you see something, especially like a “dead animal.”

It turns out that most things, however, are not what you imagine them to be on the first glace. Like this woman who called the authorities to report a “dead dog.” But, as it turns out, it was not a dog at all.

A woman messaged the Providence Animal Control Center to report that she saw a “little black yorkie or schnauzer” in the road that had been dead for “a while.” When she sent the picture, however, she found out it was not a dog at all. After police investigated, the “dead dog” turned out to actually be a wig.

Here’s the proof:

And, of course, people found the mixup to be absolutely hilarious.

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