7 Herbs and Herbal Remedies That Will Reduce Inflammation in Your Body

Dealing with chronic inflammation can be a burden, especially if you tend to move a lot throughout the day. Therefore, it’s important to tend to your health issues before they get any worse, however, for many people going to the doctor is a big deal, due to the current pandemic and all the complications that go with it. So, opting for herbs and natural remedies is definitely a healthy way to alleviate the symptoms. 

Now, if you are unfamiliar with different herbs, here is a guide that will help you learn more so you will be able to reduce inflammation in your body.

1. For starters, drink some green tea

If you’re not suffering from serious inflammation, then feel free to add green tea to your daily routine. This tea is a powerful antioxidant and some studies have shown that it can also have a positive effect on inflammation, mainly in people who suffer from metabolic issues. But, it’s important to mention that there are no definite conclusions regarding the anti-inflammatory benefits, but one thing is for certain: consuming more green tea, especially as a coffee substitute, can do a lot for your metabolism and overall well-being.

2. Consider using turmeric

Turmeric is best known as a yellow powder and it has widely been used in health and cosmetic industry. Its main benefit is that it contains Curcumin, a chemical believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Those who suffer from arthritis might find turmeric helpful because this plant can limit the production of cytokines, molecules that cause inflammation. Some evidence points out that turmeric can also be used to treat other conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease. For instance, herbs for improved lung health have gained attention for their potential to support respiratory function and alleviate symptoms of various lung conditions.

3. Cinnamon is also a good (and delicious) idea

Cinnamon is often associated with buns and sweet-scented body creams, but did you know that this magical plant has a high concentration of antioxidants and is also beneficial when it comes to reducing inflammation? Even though the research is still in process, some findings have shown that the use of cinnamon can have positive anti-inflammatory effects. Another extra benefit: cinnamon has shown to lower blood sugar, so if you suffer from diabetes or insulin sensitivity, then you might benefit from using it as a dietary supplement but not before consulting your physician. 


4.  If you also suffer from anxiety, try hemp products and its derivates

Sometimes, oils can be more than a nice finishing skincare product. A lot of carrier and essential oils have multiple health benefits, so adding them to your routine is usually a good decision. However, not all oils are made for the purpose of reducing inflammation, so it’s important to do your research first. Hemp and its derivates, such as hemp-based CBD oil is believed to be soothing and helpful to those who suffer from chronic inflammation. Also, if you feel hesitant, remember that CBD is legal in many places and there is a ton of ongoing research at the moment regarding its benefits and potential uses for the future.


5. Ginger root can be of help as well 

Ginger root is loved by many, mostly as it contains strong antioxidant properties that can be of great aid to a body fighting inflammation. Some studies have shown that using ginger powder can have the same pain-reducing effects as over-the-counter painkillers. Aside from using ginger powder, you can also make your own ginger tea or you can eat it fresh to reap all the benefits that it has to offer. 


6. Chili peppers, but be mindful of quantities

Just like ginger, chili peppers contain capsaicin, an ingredient that has been researched due to its helpful effects on inflammation and pain. Now, the studies are still in motion, but the results so far have been more than promising. However, it’s essential to know that consuming large quantities of chili peppers can lead to stomach pain and discomfort, so be sure to eat them mindfully, especially if you don’t have a tolerance to spicy and strong-flavored food.


7. Clove, as it is super valuable for one’s health

Cloves are flower buds coming from the clove tree, and they are known for being widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. Cloves are also known as a sweet spice in many cuisines, but it can also be used to treat sore throat, upset stomach and mouth inflammation. The best way to introduce it to your diet is to use it as a cooking and baking ingredient or to infuse hot drinks such as tea. 



Herbal remedies are great for your health, just be sure to talk to your doctor before you start using them, mainly if you are suffering from certain pre-existing conditions. Choosing to treat your body inflammation using natural medicine will provide you with other health benefits that will improve your love for better.

Published by

Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith is beauty and lifestyle blogger, graphic designer and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about eco-friendly and green topics, sustainable fashion, and conscious business. Sophia's other hobbies centre around her love for travelling, yoga, wellness rituals and living in balance with nature. She loves sharing meaningful content that inspires people and has covered topics ranging from organic beauty products and sustainability to self-care and mental health. You can find out more about her writing by following her on Twitter (@sophia_bri):

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