7 Ways to Deal With Stress by Writing

Taking care of our mental health should always be one of our top priorities. Still, so many of us struggle to cope with anxiety, stress, and even depression. Thinking that there’s nothing you can do to make yourself feel better is simply wrong. There are so many tricks and techniques you could use to improve your mental health and start feeling better every day. Writing is one of those tricks.

Writing is one of the best ways for you to deal with stress, only if you know how to do it. Luckily, we’ve got your back. Keep reading to learn about the 7 amazing ways to deal with stress by writing.

Let’s take a look.

1. Calm Yourself Down

When you’re under a lot of stress, you’ll find it hard to calm down and organize your thoughts. Most often, ideas and negative thoughts would be roaming around your mind, not letting you find peace.

Writing can help you fight such episodes and calm yourself down.

Just take your journal or any piece of paper and start writing:

– how you feel
– what made you feel this way
– individual thoughts that you have at the moment

It will help you organize your inner self and find a way to place things back in order.

2. Recognize the Triggers

There’s always something that makes us feel overwhelmed and causes our stress levels to increase. Those so-called triggers are sometimes hard to detect, predict, and recognize.

That is why they are so powerful and can wear us down completely.

With writing, you’ll be able to learn about those triggers, and here’s how:

– write about your stress episodes regularly
– describe them to the smallest details
– keep track of all of them
– go back after a while and try finding something in common

This way, you’ll be able to see what triggers such emotions and why you’re feeling so stressed out when you do.

As a result, you’ll know how to focus on the triggers, prevent them from making you feel stressed, and thus manage your stress levels better.

3. Positive Attitude

Another great thing to do each day in order to decrease stress is to find something positive in your everyday life.

Every evening, before you go to bed, try writing down:

– one thing that happened that made you feel happy
– one thing you’re grateful for

It could be something as silly as petting someone’s dog, but it’s enough to remind you to look forward to the small things.

It will help you build a positive attitude towards life.

4. Positive Affirmations

Sometimes, we just need that little push and support to make us feel good about ourselves. But, nobody can be better support for you than yourself.

This is why writing positive affirmations could be a great way to deal with stress and negative thinking.

A message as simple as “You are a strong woman” can make a lot of difference in the upcoming day.

Positive affirmations are supposed to:

– help you gain self-esteem
– focus on the best sides of you
– inspire you and encourage you
– help you build a positive self-image

Write positive affirmations in your journal or on a piece of paper that you’ll carry with you. Read them out loud whenever you get the chance and make sure you believe in them.

5. Break Down Your Problems

There are so many things that can make us feel stressed out. From work stress to social life anxiety, we struggle with problems daily.

Writing can help you deal with a problem efficiently and systematically.

Try writing about your specific problem and break it down:

– why is it a problem for you
– why does it make you feel stressed
– what other emotions does it cause
– what are your stress symptoms
– how can you deal with it

Writing will give you a chance to slow down, think things through, and potentially even find a solution. It will certainly make you feel better about yourself and more in control of your life.

6. Processing Emotions

The previous step we’ve covered leads us to this very important moment in your journey to a stress-free life.

Processing your problems is one of the most important preconditions for having a healthier life and living stress-free.

If you keep suppressing your emotions, they’ll just:

– pile up inside you
– suffocate you from within
– make you feel anxious and stressed out

By writing about how you feel and what’s bothering you, you’re processing it and making the problem seem a whole lot smaller than before.

That’s why writing can be a great tool for dealing with stress.

7. Track the Changes

Taking care of your mental health is something you should embrace in the long run, and not just when you’re feeling stressed out.

The process of coping with stress is what matters the most, and you should keep track of the changes you went through.

And writing can give you exactly that. Think about it:

– you’re keeping a journal regularly
– you write down how you feel, what you’re thinking about, and what you’re planning
– you show your emotions, fears, and problems
– you write about the way you dealt with all of that

Over time, you’ll have your own little progress story that you’ll be able to read and learn from. You’ll see how you felt before and compare it to how you feel now.

You’ll see what techniques worked best for you and why. You can even share your success story on social media or in a blog post. Check out these writing services ratings in case you need any help with formal writing.

Final Thoughts

Stress is a major issue of today since more and more people struggle with it every day. That’s why you have to take things into your own hands and fight it using the right techniques.

Think about using writing as a stress relief and coping technique and apply the tips and ideas we’ve shared above. Hopefully, it will make you feel better about yourself and teach you how to deal with stress the right way.

Author’s bio.

Daniela McVicker is a psychologist and family counselor. She is also a freelance writer and a contributor to Topessaywriting. Her passion is writing about leading a healthy family life and helping people enjoy their lives to the fullest.

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