Are you happy?


“I don’t know. I wake up and don’t necessarily feel the want to die anymore, so I guess that’s good. I still have no motivation to live life the way I should be. I feel numb a lot. Going through the motions as I should, but feeling little to nothing in the moment. So, am I happy? No. Am I sad? No. I’m in the middle. I’m in the part where I feel like nothing and everything is right. Like, I’m almost there but I have so much more to do. I’m exhausted. I didn’t realize how tiring it is to find that happiness. To rule out all of the negative and bask in the positive. Sometimes, you get so used to living in a negative mindset that it makes you uncomfortable to feel happy. To feel like everything’s okay. I think everything will be okay, I just think that it will take a lot of time to find comfort and feel like I’m okay, because I still don’t sometimes.”

This quote is how I felt for so long. Like I didn’t really have anything or feel anything.

Recently I’ve come to realize life is so much more and there are so many ways to get through the rough parts. I know that life is not always good, that’s something everyone knows. There’s so much bad in the world and we all see that everyday, even when we try to avoid it. The negativity is almost suffocating, but you have to conquer it somehow. Life may not be great sometimes, but one thing to think about is that there is always more good than bad.

You have to find that good, you have to grab and hold it tight.

Make life better for you, because at the end of the day you are the only person that can define what your life is about. Rid the toxicity from your life. Whether that be family members, friends, significant others, or even just the thoughts you may have circulating through your head. Take time to focus on you, focus on what makes you happy and do something about it. Realize your worth and hold it close to you. Never let anyone bring you down and never bring yourself down. Life is about more than simply just living.
Life is absolutely what you make it. If you’re not happy, work to find that happiness. If you don’t really feel anything, find something that makes you feel again. Have an open mind and pay attention to the opportunities life has to offer you, you never know what you might find.
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