8 Small Ways To Combat Anxiety When It’s At Its Worst

3. Get some fresh air.

While you’re removing yourself from the situation, the best thing to do is get some fresh air. Go outside, take a lap around the corner, just breathe in fresh air to really clear your head. If you go for a walk, the endorphins from the exercise will also be good to combat your anxiety.


4. Feel tears? Let them out.

When I feel really anxious, sometimes my emotions are so pent up I have to cry it out. It’s not about being sad or angry, it’s about just letting the emotions out and getting your feelings out there. If you feel like you need to cry, just do it. It doesn’t matter if anyone sees you, it’s what you have to do to be better. Once you cry, you will feel so much better and really help you think better.


5. Put your phone down.

The worst thing to do while having an anxiety attack is to look at your phone and risk seeing something that may make you even more anxious. It is probably your initial reaction to reach your phone but it’s best to just put the technology down and focus on getting over the attack. If you’re ignoring the anxiety, it’ll come back and hit you even harder.


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