Empowering Life With Movement Disorders: Strategies for Improved Treatment Outcomes

Throughout the centuries scientists and renowned experts such as neurosurgeons have fought to find the best treatment possible for versatile complex illnesses and disorders. The brain is, to say the least, one of the most complex and perplexing organs in our entire body, and most of the disorders and other diseases may come from this amazing organ.

Movement disorders are considered one of the most complicated to detect neurological conditions, but at the same time, a person’s life can be uplifted and empowered once the symptoms are detected effectively. Renowned scientists across the globe keep looking for new ways to empower patient’s life no matter how mild or severe the movement disorders are, and here are just some of the most effective strategies.

Movement disorders 101

Put plainly, movement disorders can be explained as a set of neurological conditions that affect the body to control or produce certain movements. Since a group of neurological or brain nerves cause various abnormal movements such as jerking, spasm, lack of movement, or sharking, neuroscientists and neurosurgeons need to take a comprehensive evaluation to detect the symptom and apply adequate treatment. Due to the fact that it can be utterly difficult to detect and diagnose accurately some movement disorders since they are linked between your central nervous systems, motor nerves, and skeletal muscles, specialists need to perform steady and upscaled research before they diagnose the patient. There are some known movement disorders that vary from mild to severe, and some affect one area of your body, while others can be detected a another part of the body. Also, some only interfere with speech and writing skills, while others lead to problems with movement and mobility.

A comprehensive approach to treatment

Movement disorders affect thousands if not millions of people across America, Europe, Australia, and further. With meticulous and complex research throughout the years, expert scientists and neurosurgeons can professionally detect some of the common types and help their patients lead normal lives. Nowadays, neuroscientists have found a few contemporary options to treat some movement disorders and help improve the quality of patient’s life in the long run. Accordingly, expert neurosurgeons from Briz Brain & Spine specify that most movement disorders can be treated with expert Deep Brain Stimulation Treatment if detected early. Hence, if an expert detects the neurological problem and estimates the degree of severity, with the DBS treatment most patients who suffer from some form of movement disorder can maximally improve the quality of their life. DBS treatment entails implanting one or more electrical wires or electrodes in the brain which would trigger the nerves and give out small stimulants or pulse enabling patients to feel relief.

Types of movement disorders and some Common Treatment Practices

Some of the most common movement disorders tend to be caused by disease, underlying genetic conditions, medicaments, or toxins and can affect people all around the world. The movement disorders that can be recognized and treated are the following:

Parkinson’s disease: a condition that affects the central nervous system and directly affects movement and it’s followed by tremors.

Essential tremor: a common nervous system movement disorder that causes uncontrollable shaking

Huntington’s disease: one of the genetic or inherited conditions that causes degenerative effects of nerves in the brain, very often it’s followed by psychiatric and movement disorders

Dystonia: an active and persistent muscle contractions, resulting in abnormal movements

Ataxia: full loss of body movement control

Tourette syndrome: a severe medical condition with continuous repetitive movement and unwanted sounds

Restless legs syndrome: a difficult condition involving unpleasant feeling in the legs accompanied by continuous urge to move them

Multiple system atrophy: a nervous system condition that can affect multiple parts of the body, and later may cause progressive loss of function

There are some other movement disorders that scientists have detected, and for the above-mentioned ones, which can be progressive and severe, there are a few treatment methods that could be applied to improve the quality of life of such patients. The most common treatment therapy entails using drug therapies to control the symptoms. Depending on the underlying cause of the symptoms,  botulinum toxin injections can also help minimize and even prevent muscle contraction. Furthermore, specialized physical or occupational therapy can be prescribed by the surgeon which can assist the patient to maintain a balanced life and restore some of the ability to control his movements. As already mentioned, a surgical treatment called deep brain stimulation can be equally helpful for some patients if the professional caregiver has thoroughly analyzed the patient.

To conclude, if the movement disorder is recognized in time and if the symptoms get detected and checked by an expert neurosurgeon, there could be various multi-specialty approaches done to improve the quality of life for such patients. Add compassionate care as a number one treatment, and anyone can have their life elevated in the long run.


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