Fruits Are Healthy
Fruits tend to get a bad wrap for their sugar intake. However fruits are natures snack and most are low in the glycemic index (low in sugar). They are hydrating and packed with vitamins and metabolizing boosting properties. Here are ten fruits to boost your metabolism and keep you healthy.
With only 39 calories per fruit grapefruit can offer 65% of the daily intake of vitamin C. Because grapefruit has a low glycemic index it releases sugar into your bloodstream more slowly. Grapefruit is known to boost metabolism, curb appetite and lower blood pressure. So have one for breakfast, or slice one up in a salad.
Low in calories and high in fiber, apples help support weight loss. They are made up of 85% water, so they are very hydrating. Best eaten whole, and known to curb an appetite, apples can help reduce cholesterol levels. It is the fibrous pectin found in apples that helps boost metabolism and improve gut health. So an apple a day…..
Passion Fruit
Rich in vitamins C, A, Iron and Potassium, passion fruit is high in fiber and is a satisfying snack to curb appetites, encouraging weight loss.
All berries, fresh or frozen are beneficial for weight loss. High in vitamin C, berries, also reduce inflammation, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Blueberries are high in Vitamin K and strawberries are rich in fiber.
Kiwifruit contains vitamins C, E, folate and fiber. And kiwifruit can control blood sugar, support gut health and lower cholesterol. Because it slowly releases its natural sugars when eaten, there are no sugar spikes. Kiwifruit is good eaten whole or juiced.
Low in calories and extremely hydrating, melons contain lycopene and betacarotene. High water fruits like melon support weight loss. Potassium rich and a strong antioxidant, all melons can be eaten whole or juiced. Watermelons have the highest glycemic index of the melon family so it is best to avoid overeating watermelons due to the sugar content.
Oranges are high in fiber and extremely filling. They are rich in vitamins C and although they can be juiced, eating them whole will help with weight loss.
Nutrient rich bananas get a bad wrap for their sugar and density. They are however, high in vitamins A,B, and C, and help reduce blood sugar. Magnesium and manganese rich, bananas are a staple in a diet that can help boost your metabolism. Add to your am smoothie or just eat them whole.
An avocado is a pear shaped berry. It is actually a fruit. And a nutritious one! High in fat, dense rich avocados improve cholesterol and increase feelings of fullness. Avocados are rich in folate and vitamin K. So get that avocado toast going in the am!
Peaches And Pitted Fruits
Peaches and other pitted fruits are rich in vitamins C and A and are low in calories. They are low in sugar and can help boost metabolism.
Eat More Whole Foods, Eat More Fruit
Fruits, while eaten whole are much better for your metabolic boost than a processed packaged snack. So grab a banana or an apple next time you need a healthy snack on the go. Whole fruits are the foundation of many diet programs- You can see HealthTrends list of the most popular ones and what they are based on. If you want to pack a punch try adding your fruit to a smoothie.
-In good health!