If you happen to catch sporadic zzz’s on the reg, you’re most likely a professional napper. To you, napping is an elixir guaranteed to inject happiness and well-being into your life. But not all nappers are the same, so if you want to know which type of napper you are, here’s a breakdown of the types and what your napping routine says about you.
1. Dysregulative Napper.
Napping is sort of the magic wand you only use when necessary. Like if anything gets off balance in your life, you resort to the power of a quick nap to restore it. This napper personality tends to be outgoing and super active individuals, I mean, they are #1 out of the 5 different types of napping personalities. They also have a tendency to take every activity that they’re involved with to the extreme, which also speaks of their ability to be consistent and committed. Like, they can go for hours partying, studying or doing whatever might be their ‘flavor of the month’ without getting dead tired. But if it gets to the point where they have exhausted all their energy, they know they can always use a power nap to catch a second wind. Their bodies are strong but their brains need the break so they can jump to the next thing and keep going. Napping is their preferred pick-me-up only when necessary
2. Restorative Napper.
Napping is part of their daily routine. Even if it’s just a quick five-minute nap, napping is fundamental to their daily life. This napping personality type realizes there is more to naps than meets the eye. In fact, there are surprising benefits that could boost their productivity, so they nap hard. These individuals are very in tune with what their mind and body need. Most restorative nappers are the introspected type, and also tend to be night owls. They’re also deep thinkers and have super creative minds. Their sleeping patterns may get disrupted due to their unconventional waking hours, so napping to them is sort of the compass to their soul. They take naps regularly to keep their creative fluids going and to also keep their awareness sharp during the day.