This Is What Social Anxiety Actually Is, Because It’s Not Just Being Quiet At Parties



It’s possibly never even making it to the party because with every minute until it’s time to leave, your heart beats louder and faster, threatening to jump out of your chest as you worry that your friends will leave you and you’ll be trapped in a room full of judgmental strangers.

It’s vehemently denying that you want to attend the party, but deep down, wishing you could be as carefree as your friends, dancing under the stars until the sun rises.


Social anxiety is more than just being the “quiet one” at the party. It’s slowly learning to combat the mistruths that haunt your mind. And it’s discovering you are worthy of companionship and that people do miss you in your absence. It’s speaking up little by little and learning to see immeasurable kindness in those around you. It’s slipping back into self-destructive mindsets some days, but always resolving to continue the journey towards self-love.


Social anxiety is celebrating the small triumphs in the midst of the struggles, in the hope that someday, you will finally arrive at the party — and enjoy yourself, too. People dealing with social anxiety often seek various remedies to help manage their symptoms, and some have found relief through natural options like those available at Kingdom Kratom

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