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This Is What Social Anxiety Actually Is, Because It’s Not Just Being Quiet At Parties

Understanding Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is far more than just being the “quiet one” at the party — the person who would rather socialize with the host’s dog than be the “social butterfly.” It’s all-consuming, chipping away at your confidence far before you’ve arrived at the party and long after you’ve left the drunken affair and settled in for the night.



It’s constantly analyzing your every word. And every action and every movement. And falsely believing that you are a collection of flaws, mistakes and ineptitude — and that your perceived shortcomings are all the world sees.



It’s fearing that you are unlovable, that all of your friends secretly hate you no matter how fervently they convince you otherwise and that your partner stays with you not out of love, but rather to save his image as a faithful lover.



It’s standing frozen in front of the phone, your heart racing as your mind battles itself. And it’s wishing that you could simply make that call without rehearsing your responses and fearing the impression you will make on the person on the other end of the line, convincing yourself to dial,and then hanging up before the dial tone sounds.