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This Is Why the Strongest Girls Are Those Who Struggle with Anxiety


That is what anxiety feels like to me, and maybe that is exactly what it feels like to you.

Some days are better than others, but it is always there. Some mornings you wake up, and it is shoved into the back of your mind, but it is still there. Sometimes you seem to have it on a leash, but it is still there, dragging you along.

That right there is the worst part about living with anxiety; it never goes away. You can try to control it, you can take medication to suppress it, you can ever do your best to ignore it…but it never goes away.

Day after day, your heart beats out of your chest, your hands clench into fists, and you hope nobody can tell how hard it is to breathe. Night after night, you lay in bed wondering why you have to live like this, wishing you could be as worry-free as everyone else seems to be.