This Is Why the Strongest Girls Are Those Who Struggle with Anxiety


A panic attack threatens to consume you, constricting your lungs, making the world go dark. The next morning, you wake up feeling a little bit better, a little bit stronger. It’s a slow, painstakingly long battle that never really ends.


But every day that you manage to hold it together…

Every day that you manage to hold the tears in and attempt to quiet your shaking hands…

Every day that your force yourself to do something that makes you want to throw up out of worry…

It gets a little easier.

Your anxiety will never disappear; it is a part of you, firmly rooted in every inch of your being.

But it will make you stronger; walking through that painful fire, day in and day out, it will slowly start to refine you, making you stronger and more beautiful than ever before.

Published by

Stephanie Streicher

Who am I? I am a college student, a photographer, an avid procrastinator. I am daughter/sister/aunt/friend to many amazing people. I am an introverted, Jesus-loving, travel addicted 19-year-old who has a yearning to see the world. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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