To The Friends Who’ve Helped Me Through My Worst Moments With Anxiety

Thank you for laughing with me when I make light of my overly-neurotic, irrational, anxiety-addled mind.

In the worst moments, humor is my most effective coping mechanism. Your willingness to laugh at my self-deprecating remarks instead of shying away means the world to me.

Thank you for understanding whenever I am unable to do something.

You have never treated me any less respectfully when I am overwhelmed and overloaded, and I love that you recognize and accept that I have limitations, just like everyone else in the world.

Thank you for pulling me away from my stressors for pure, unadulterated fun.

Legally Blonde movie nights, lunches out, beach days, shopping trips and Hamilton sing-along sessions have all provided a welcome diversion from the anxieties that are prone to creeping into my mind. I am grateful that you have taught me the importance of taking breaks to refresh and refocus my mind and body.

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