Simple Ways To Get Your Grinchy Self Into The Holiday Spirit

It’s Christmas time and they say “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” But you’re not feeling it? Are they singing carols on the street while all you want to do is throw snowballs at them to keep it quiet? While the holidays are an exciting time of year, it can also be a painful time. For people who hate the time of year or are just having a bad time in their life, the aura of the holidays can make their mood worse. 

It’s not that far-fetched an idea that many of us can feel a little Grinchy around the holidays. What is the point of putting on that sparkly dress if there is no one to kiss under the mistletoe? Why should you send holiday greetings when you can use that money to buy more drinks to drown the sorrows? Here are some simple ways to fight your inner Grinch and help turn on your holiday mood. 

Put up your tree earlier 

In many countries, the Christmas tree is decorated traditionally on Christmas Eve. But that doesn’t leave a lot of time to enjoy its beauty. One of the easiest ways to get into the holiday spirit is to decorate your tree earlier this year. 

Find your favorite natural tree or use an artificial one. You can express your creativity by adding decorations according to your tastes. By decorating your Christmas tree early, you can experiment with different styles. And because you will have an early start, you can take down all the ornaments and do a complete makeover. 

Replace Traditional Holiday Tunes With More Modern Music  

We don’t know what’s worse – maybe it’s listening to Mariah telling us yet again, what she wants for Christmas or it could be our constant year over year tears from listening to Wham’s “Last Christmas”. And while we cannot control the songs we hear in the supermarkets and coffee shops, we can at least put together a personal playlist of our own to please our souls. 

Now, the songs don’t have to be related to the holidays. Remember, the holidays are a time for reflection and giving. So, for the sake of self care, and your ears, write down the names of ten songs that trigger happy memories for you. Once you have your playlist, listen to it as often as you can during the holidays and drown out the holiday melancholy.

Find the perfect gift for you 

Shopping for presents and gifting others should bring you joy and happiness. However, it often creates anxiety and leaves you with an empty bank account. This year, instead of spending weeks thinking about finding the perfect gift for your uncle Bob or Karen from Accounting, try investing in your sanity. 

Look for purchase worthy generic gifts on sale for everyone. And use the money and time you save to find something just for you. Whether it’s a frivolous sequin dress you don’t plan to wear anytime soon, or an out of the ordinary hobby gift. We really don’t care what it is. Just find something for you! Maybe it is an accessory that supports your passion for fishing like new lines for a bait caster or an extra fancy treatment with a weekend getaway to a spa. Whichever you choose, pick something that you wouldn’t normally spend your money on. 

After all, you worked hard for that money all-year-long and you deserve some self care over the holiday season. 

Bake and cook

There’s no better way to embrace the holidays than to have your apartment smell like home-baked gingerbread cookies.

Ask your friends for help and turn the event into a full cooking party. Put on some nice clothes and open a fancy bottle of wine. For the record, cooking with wine is what makes a lot of dishes delicious. However, don’t worry that your dishes won’t come out looking appealing or tasting like heaven. Cut yourself some slack and enjoy the process rather than the results.

In the true Holiday spirit, you should celebrate the things that matter the most in your life – your friends, your family, and maybe your favorite wine. If you have zero baking or cooking skills, you can always order Chinese and call it a day. Everyone is into Chinese food, right?

Use those fancy glasses

For those of us 30 years old and above, chances are you have a set of “fancy” dinnerware that should only be used on special occasions. You mean the ones way back there at the top of the shelf? Yes, those dishes and glasses!  The ones your grandma was saving for you and out of respect, you were waiting for that extra special occasion. Hold my beer while I wait. 

Why save dinnerware for an occasion that may never happen? Instead, create the occasion and celebrate the holidays. Now, break out the fancy glasses and the silver spoons, hang those pretty decorative lights and have yourself a wonderful Holiday Season. 

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