Experiencing an accident at work can be a devastating experience. However, claiming worker’s compensation can minimize the stress of recovery. Even so, claiming worker’s compensation is a battle in and of itself.
Visit this website to learn more about what a worker’s compensation lawyer can offer. They will highlight your rights and help you find the best medical benefits and disability plan. If a company denies your claim, your lawyer can also help you discover why. A skilled attorney can make the worker’s compensation process as smooth as possible.
What Are the Filing Timelines To Be Approved for Worker’s Compensation?
To be approved, obey the filing timelines. You have 90 days to file an injury report with your employer. You should file a report sooner rather than later. Right as the injury occurs is the best time to file the report, especially when there are witnesses involved that can give an account of what they saw to your Human Resources Manager.
Depending on your state, you may have up to a couple of years to file with your local worker’s compensation commission. As soon as you have your injury report reported to your employer and receive the necessary paperwork, submit it to the local worker’s compensation commission to expedite your claim quicker.
The Paperwork You Need To File a Worker’s Compensation Claim
Here is a description of all the paperwork you will need along the way.
Medical Authorizations
Medical authorizations come from your health insurance stating that the treatment you need is necessary for your health. It may also be called a pre-authorization or a prior authorization.
However, receiving medical authorization does not mean your health insurance will cover the treatment. Call your insurance company or medical provider to check if the treatment is covered.
Wage Records from Your Employer
Bring at least one month’s worth of paystubs to calculate the average amount you make from your job every week. The paystubs should have the company’s name somewhere on it along with your hourly or salaried rate for proper calculation.
All Your Current and Past Medical Records
Worker’s compensation claim representatives want to see your medical records to get a snapshot of your medical history before the workplace accident occurred. They want to evaluate if the accident will exacerbate any existing conditions that you already have so that you can be paid out accordingly when your claim is approved.
Statements from You, Your Employer, and Witnesses
You should immediately go to your Human Resources Manager and file your statement when your accident occurs. They will add statements from your work manager and witnesses who saw the accident happen.
The statements should be formally typed up in a document containing company letterhead and signed by a designated company representative. Hence, it will be a legally binding representation of what truly happened during the incident and will be legitimate enough to add to your worker’s compensation paperwork.
How Will My Workplace Be Found Negligent in Paying Out My Worker’s Compensation?
A worker’s compensation representative will conduct a thorough investigation if you have a slip-and-fall or another workplace-related incident. They will review video cameras from the day of the incident to corroborate evidence of your claim.
Be mindful that filing a worker’s compensation claim means a private investigator may be watching you. Your employer’s insurance company may fund a private investigator to follow you and reassure you that you are not lying about your injuries. Doing so is a protocol measure to know that you are telling the truth and acts as a defense on your employer’s behalf.
When filing your worker’s compensation claim, take everything one step at a time. It will all fall into place as you stay on top of the process and remain patient. Seek comfort and support from your close family and friends through the process, and know that you are not alone.