
15 Pieces of Advice I Wish I Had Been Given at Sixteen

4) Choose your words wisely.

At sixteen, with your hormones racing, you carelessly throw out words like they’re nothing. But words are things you can never take back, and once they’re out there… there’s nothing you can do. Words have the potential to damage someone’s psyche, or boost them up. Don’t hurt people with a careless joke.


5) Focus on college early.

The sooner you’re looking at colleges, the sooner you know what you need to do to get there. You’ll know the scores you need to get in, the GPA, etc. You’ll be ten times more prepared if you just start earlier.


6) Do extracurricular activities.

They may not seem like fun when you’d much rather be hanging out with your friends, but you’ll want the memories later. Go to after-school events, be involved.