
15 Pieces of Advice I Wish I Had Been Given at Sixteen

7) Enjoy high school while it’s still there.

High school may seem like it’s lasting forever, but as soon as you graduate? Life as you know it is over. Time starts flying and soon you’ll be getting married and having babies. Enjoy being young and without (many, if any) responsibilities. Life is so darned short and even though you don’t believe it now, you really will miss it.


8) You don’t have to do whatever your friends are doing.

Everyone laughs about peer pressure, but it’s actually very real. Contrary to what your friends say, you don’t have to drink with them or do whatever it is they are doing. It doesn’t make you weird if you don’t, it makes you unique. You’re actually not a part of the crowd, and that will get you noticed in a good light – even if it doesn’t seem so at the time.


9) Find what makes you happy and pursue it.

Whatever your favorite hobby is, if it’s something you can pursue, do it! Don’t look into career fields just because they make a certain amount of money. Money can only keep you happy for so long. Do what makes you happy, and you won’t ever feel like you’re working.