
17 Struggles Any Girls With Thin AF Hair Will Relate To

1. You can’t wash it too much because it will get greasy way too fast.

2. You can’t wash it too little because it will look greasy way too fast.

3. Forget putting your hair up in big, cute messy buns. They usually look like tiny little nuggets.

4. Why does all of my hair fall out when I brush it? Wet, dry, damp – I’m lucky I have any hair left in my damn head.

5. Curly hair? What is that? Does it exist? Is it possible?

6. Always Pinteresting “hair goals” for girls who have big, giant, beautiful hair that we will never, ever be able to achieve.

7. When you put your hair up, all you see is scalp, scalp and more scalp.

8. If you have dandruff – I’m so, so sorry.

9. You have never finished a bottle of one hair-care product because you keep buying new ones, since none of them work quick enough.

10. When it rains, you look like a wet dog.

11. When it’s humid, you look like a wet dog in heat.

12. Bobby pins do not work because all you see is bobby pins, front and center.

13. When you wear a headband, you look bald.

14. Straightening your hair takes 2.5 seconds since you barely have any.

15. I wish I could wear braids in my hair.

16. Color my hair? I’ll lose half of it.

17. Although an ombre would look great, if my hair wasn’t so thin at the bottoms.