12 Things All Bold People Know To Be True

To be bold is to basically not give a f*ck what people say just as long as you’re staying true to yourself. It’s not that you refuse to listen to anyone, but you’d rather be who you are than strive to be people’s idea of you.

Those who have bold hearts, understand the pros and struggles of being casually courageous in a world where people want to be unique but still follow the crowd:

  1. There’s no fun in fear…which is why you rarely ever miss opportunities to take a risk whether it’s asking your crush out in front of their friends or backpacking to a country you’ve never been before.
  2. You analyze the waters before diving in. At the same time, you always make sure to think things through because you don’t want to go into anything blindly.
  3. You can’t stand passive aggressiveness. You wish that some of your friends can just be honest with you because it saves the unnecessary tension and anxiety. 
  4. You’re very straight forward. You’re not afraid to let your roommate know that their bf/gf has overstayed their welcome or that the guy your BFF is dating is indeed a f*ckboy.
  5. You’re always questioning things…because there’s always a story behind a story. It’s why you’re not a fan of small talk. It blocks you from getting to know people on a deeper level.
  6. People tend to underestimate you…because you’re so laid back on the outside. People who try to take an advantage of you are always in for a b*tch I wish you would surprise.
  7. Being blunt means you care. Alot. The most important thing about love is telling someone something they wouldn’t want to hear but need to hear. 
  8. You’re tired of people mistaking your bluntness for b*tchiness…because it’s not that you’re mean, you just refuse to sugar coat things.
  9. You have thick skin…because you’ve been criticized so many times in your life, that you’ve developed stronger heart. It’s not that you’re afraid of criticism, you’re able to take it without getting hurt.
  10. You’ve always been a bit of an outsider. You were almost always the odd one out. It’s taught you to be unafraid to be true to yourself no matter what.
  11. You have a sarcastic sense of humor. You almost always have to let people know that you’re just joking because they often mistake your wit for insults.
  12. Forgiveness isn’t weakness but freedom…because it gives you the chance to move on and shut the door on people who hold you back in life.

Published by

Marie Cyprien

An old soul and nerdy Brooklyn native who loves a good book on a rainy day. Twitter handle: @gradientwriter Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marie-Cyprien/901296283282619

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