It’s that time of the week again, 8 p.m. on a Sunday and you hear the opening song. For the next four hours, you’re trapped with your sports watching, football love and it simply is just not your thing. For every girl that isn’t the football loving fan, you’ll understand these feelings when you’re forced against your will to watch the big game.
- The “Are you ready for some football” song will be stuck in your head for the entirety of the upcoming week and the answer is always no. No, you’re not ready for football, and no, you never will be.
- The actual game feels seventy five hours and commercials happen after every single play. Why are they stopping after every play? WHY?
- Speaking of the commercials, they should always be as funny as the Super Bowl. No one has time for these boring TD commercials anyways.
- Your significant other and their friends are screaming so loud. Every play seems like it requires about fifty F-bombs.
- There’s a lot of slapping in football. Slapping butts, slapping backs, and the whole slapping helmets things looks ridiculously painful to you. Not even remotely motivational.
- The pizza that you paid for is most likely gone because watching football and competition makes your boo and his twenty other screaming friends super hungry.
- Having them explain every little detail is becoming incredibly infuriating. Even though you may hate football, you do understand what’s going on. You’re not dumb, you’re just not a fan.
- Your partner’s voice is also fifty octaves lower when they get really into the game and start screaming at the TV. It’s almost like a demonic type of low and you have no idea where it is coming from.
- You try to act excited, but it’s only a half type of excitement that is coming across as passive aggressive. There is literally nothing worse than the awkward, “yay,” and half smile. But kudos to you for trying.
- Howcome they’ve never been this excited as when you make them watch, “Dance Moms.” Just as much competition there people.
- Even though you’re trying to deny it, you are slightly enjoying the uniforms on the players. And maybe even the refs.
- The beer is actually one of the things that you really enjoy about watching the game. If their fave team is winning you celebrate by drinking more, if they’re losing you have to console yourself even if it’s not your team. Or you just drink to make this boring event a little more bearable. Whichever way, you drink.
- The injuries are actually starting to freak you out. No one’s leg should be in that position. Also, you may not know this feeling on a personal level, but the groin shot still looks ridiculously painful.
- Touchdowns make your partner turn into a giant leaping dancer all of a sudden. His touchdown dance can rival the player that actually scored the points and you feel a little embarrassed for them.
- You start to realize that you’re not rooting for the team because you actually enjoy this game, but because you want to see your partner happy. The only reason you even agreed to watch this game was for your love, with or without the beer.