20 Reasons Why Leggings Are Pants

The age-old question that every girl struggles with at some point in her life: are leggings pants? According to Merriam-Webster, pants can be defined as “an outer garment covering each leg separately and usually extending from the waist to the ankle.” Hmm…sounds like leggings fit that description to me, so can we end this debate now? Leggings are clearly here to stay

However, I should make it clear that if these leggings are see-through, although they may still meet the definition of pants, they should not be worn as pants, come on now, use some common sense. And tan leggings…cuz those are just weird. 

1. Skinny jeans are just as tight as leggings, and people don’t argue that they’re not pants.

2. At least when people bend over in leggings, you don’t run the risk of seeing everything exposed like you could in jeans.

3. And at least you can bend over in leggings.

4. Jeans are almost impossible to move in, how can they be qualified as pants?

5. The definition of “pants” does not specify that they have to be a certain fabric, therefore, leggings count.

6. Sweatpants are considered pants, and leggings definitely look less sloppy.

7. Like, you can wear nice leggings to work or when you go out…but you definitely could not wear sweatpants.

8. Just because they’re comfy does not mean they can’t be pants.

9. You can wear them to the gym and they count as pants there…

10. …so how does that change when you leave the gym?

11. If you think it’s because they’re too tight, again: skinny. jeans

12. Besides, if you get distracted by how fitted leggings are, you should probably reevaluate your life.

13. Leggings don’t cause camel toe because they’re not pants; they cause camel toe because you’re not wearing underwear.

14. That’s your own fault.

15. They’re flattering.

16. On everyone.

17. Like, leggings are pants with built in spanx.

18. It’s amazing.

19. Audrey Hepburn wore them.

20 Case closed.

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Published by

Ashley Pascual

California girl in New York. I tell it like it is...often sarcastically. I've been told you get used to it. Twitter handle: TheAshleyMariee Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Ashley-Pascual-766918816753871/

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