Between “taking notes” during class, and lying in bed mindlessly scrolling through the “shop” section on the Pinterest app, it’s actually a miracle you’re not in some (more) serious debt.
Online shopping is damn near impossible to stop once you’ve started, so here are a few things you’re bound to recognize if you too share this problem:
- You have your credit card information saved so you never have to fumble for your wallet…
- …or you have it memorized because you’ve typed it in so many times.
- The previous two also apply to your mom’s (or dad’s) credit cards.
- Your most visited websites include, but are not limited to EveryMarket, Tobi, Forever 21, Nasty Gal, Lulus, and Mura Boutique.
- You’ve also discovered all the good European and Australian online boutiques and can convert your size and the price in the blink of an eye.
- You almost always have at least one tab open to a store in your web browser.
- Your friends ask you where they should buy their clothes or always ask to borrow something of yours.
- You are constantly texting your friends screenshots of things you’ve found saying “which one do you like more?”
- You have a whole bookmark folder dedicated solely to clothes (bonus points if it’s organized by type).
- You know when a website puts out its new styles.
- You know when a sale starts and for how long it lasts.
- “Free shipping” is your favorite phrase.
- And “free shipping with X amount” is just a reason to reach that amount.
- Half-off sales are your kryptonite.
- You’re always getting packages with your new clothes.
- All your Facebook ads are for boutiques and other online stores.
- You buy outfits for special occasions and events that you haven’t even been invited to yet.
- You’re on an email list for when new items are released and are back in stock.
- Your Snapchat and Instagram always feature your new clothes.
- You’re running out of space in your closet…
- But that doesn’t stop you from buying more clothes.