24 Holiday Traditions That You Just Can't Give Up, No Matter How Old You Get

The holiday season is a time to form forever memories with your friends and family. Whether it’s a silly tradition that you can’t seem to shake or something that keeps your holiday spirit alive year round, there are some traditions that you will probably never be able to give up no matter how old you get.


  1. Watching “It’s a Wonderful Life”… Okay so I’ve never actually seen it, but apparently it’s like a big deal.
  2. Putting out milk and cookies for Santa. I don’t care how old we get, this will always be a thing.
  3. And carrots and things that reindeers like.
  4. Making badass gingerbread houses.
  5. Basically making the exact same meal every year, but who cares, it’s bomb.
  6. Driving around the neighborhoods, blasting music, and checking out all the crazy Christmas lights.
  7. Going sledding, ice skating, skiing, snowboarding… something fun but way too f*cking cold.
  8. “Elf on the Shelf”. I don’t actually understand it, but it’s a thing that people do.
  9. Decorating the Christmas tree. Like duh.
  10. Watching/ Reading The Polar Express and How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
  11. Counting down the days until Christmas, whether on a calendar, with paper chains, or ornate little boxes, you’re never too old to count down the days.
  12. Baking like waayy too many cookies for life. If that’s even really a thing.
  13. Oh! And we can’t forget about watching “Miracle on 34th Street” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.
  14. There’s really just a sh*t ton of holiday movies to watch every year.
  15. Last minute shopping for presents. It’s 10pm on the 23rd of December and you still have four family members to buy gifts for. It somehow happens every year… Smh.
  16. You basically spend the last half of Christmas eve and most of Christmas day in your PJ’s.
  17. Pick a family member (usually a younger cousin or something) to play the elf and pass out presents.
  18. Food. Lots and lots of food.
  19. It’s pretty much just expected that by the time New Years rolls around, you’ll have gained like ten pounds… in all the wrong places.
  20. Eating Grandma’s homemade anything (my grandma’s eggnog is to die for, just FYI).
  21. Family photos. It’s unavoidable but you’ll appreciate it one day.
  22. The pickle ornament. Yes, it sounds just as weird as it is. But hey, the one who finds the pickle in the tree gets an extra present, so joke’s on you.
  23. Cinnamon rolls, bacon, crepes, eggs, potatoes, fruit, more eggnog… Christmas morning breakfast is the sh*t.
  24. Christmas caroling. Is that still something that people do? Either way, sing some cheery holiday songs with someone.
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