3 Daring Options To Ask For Next Time You’re At The Hairdresser

Life is all about being adventurous and trying new things, so how about instead of the same old hairstyle you get when visiting the hair salon, why not ask for something special! There are so many new techniques from beauty schools and apprenticeships. Maybe it’s time to daring with your hairstyle?

There are so many wonderful things we can do to our hair, that it would be a shame if you never got to experience any of them. Whether it’s a new color, something small but noticeable, or even a new style like Anne Hathaway’s amazing shag haircut, be bold and different the next time you make a hair appointment.

Hair highlights

If you want to make a change but only do it in small steps, then hair highlights is a great way to start. Highlights for your hair can be done at home, but if you don’t have the time to do that, then getting these at a hair salon will be just as good. It’s an unwritten law that your hair should go lighter in the summer and darker in the winter because that’s just the way things are! If your hair is light blonde or brown, adding hair highlights in spring or summer will give you a new sunny feeling and make you wonder why you didn’t try this years ago.


If you desire to be daring, how about trying a one-sided undercut? For those with long hair, in particular, this is an edgy, punk look that is on-trend right now. Everyone from Miley Cyrus to Natalie Dormer to Scarlett Johansson has tried an undercut and absolutely rocked the look. It might not be suitable if you’ve got to wear a suit for an office job, but if you feel like proving everyone that you can be audacious and fun, then a one-sided undercut is the way to go.

Mermaid hair

Never fear, you don’t have to go under the sea or be Ariel to get this look! Mermaid hair has been around for a few years but is really starting to take off now. This is all about deep purples, vivid greens, sea blues and a bit of fluorescent pink to finish it off. Achieving this hair takes a bit of work and perhaps a few trips to the salon, but it’s well worth it when you’re in a crowded room and be the most notable person there! See these examples for how it could look on you!

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