The days are ticking by and you’re getting ever closer to that scary, impossible number…30!
If you’re picturing your 30-year-old self shuffling along the sidewalk with a jaunty cane or having to battle a mass of wrinkles, I have some news for you: Your thirties aren’t what you think.
- You don’t feel old. In fact, you feel just like you did when you were in your twenties—but maybe with a few extra wrinkles and gray hairs.
- Your taste in men or women age with you. When you’re 35, you’ll suddenly find other people in their thirties more attractive. They’ll no longer seem “too old.???
- People respect you more. The older you get, the more respect you get by default. Time to ask for that raise, because you’re more likely to get it.
- You don’t mind the responsibilities. It makes you feel important!
- Sometimes you’ll get tired of being an adult. Responsibilities are nice most of the time, but sometimes you just want to sit around in your pajamas and play video games. That never gets old.
- You welcome a quieter life. Netflix or a raging party? Yeah, you’ll pick the Netflix.
- You’ll get a lot more confident. You’ll start to accept all the little quirks that make you unique.
- You’ll become more comfortable in your body. You’ve been in your skin for over 30 years now. All the insecurities you might have had in your 20s will start to fall away. Everyone is different, after all.
- Sex will get better. You’re more experienced now and you’re a lot more comfortable in your body. Researchers even found that women’s orgasms get more intense in their 30s. Score!
- You’ll have to start dealing with scary life issues. Whether it happens to you or to your friends, you’ll have to start dealing with the aftermath of divorce, death and disappointment—all the negatives that come with getting older.
- An unhealthy lifestyle will affect you a lot more. Eating crappy junk food and never working out seemed fine when you were 22. Now you’ll just feel like crap and gain weight you never would have before.
- And you definitely won’t be able to drink alcohol like you did before. One or two drinks and you’re done.
- People will still have opinions about your life choices. That doesn’t end at 30. Except now instead of parents questioning your choice of major, you have to hear about how you’re too old to be single or how your biological clock is ticking. Ugh.
- Big, responsible purchases will get you excited. A house! That’s way better than everything you bought in your 20s combined.
- You have a midlife crisis to look forward to. Around 35, you get a great excuse to make rash decisions and purchase that sports car you would have never had the guts to buy. “Oh, she’s just going through a midlife crisis.”
- You start to worry about all the things you’re not achieving. The 30s seem to be the time where you put pressure on yourself to achieve. Don’t have that family yet? Don’t have the corner office? These all seem so important now.
- You’re never too old. 30 seemed like the end of the world when you were younger, but guess what? When you’re in your 30s, you aren’t too old to make new friends, start a new job or learn how to dance.
- You can always go back to school. College isn’t just for 20-somethings. You can start a new career path—college courses and all—at any age.
- You aren’t afraid to be different. You might have been afraid to admit your addiction to My Little Pony when you were 25, but now, you don’t care who knows!
- You have better perspective of what you want in life. With three decades under your belt, you’ll know a lot better of what you want out of life.
- Your skin starts to change. It can get thinner as you age, and you’ll notice that in your 30s. Some even have a bout of acne in their 30s. Don’t forget lots of moisturizer and sun screen!
- You won’t be able to stay up all night like you used to. It was so easy to stay up until sunrise when you were younger. Now, you’re lucky if you’re out and about past midnight.
- You’re starting to live the life you want. The dominoes are falling into place!
- You’re way more in charge of your life now. Even in your twenties, you might have to go to your parents for help or have to rely on roommates in order to pay for your apartment. In your 30s, it’s all on you.
- Family becomes the center of your world. In your 20s, life was all about your friends. In your 30s, it’s all about family—whether you’re starting a new one or cherishing the one you’ve already got.
- You won’t see your friends as often. They’re busy with their kids or demanding jobs. But you’ll be happy to see them when everyone can sync up their schedules!
- You don’t deal with people’s crap anymore. Toxic friend? No thanks. Rude guy on the bus? Yeah, you’ll give him a piece of your mind.
- You can still be immature. Don’t let the date on your driver’s license fool you: you can still act like a big ol’ kid.
- You’re still cool. I swear! Just a sophisticated, distinguished kind of cool.
- You don’t miss your 20s. You’re more than happy to move on.