34 Things You Need To Do In Order To Have The Best Summer Ever

With Memorial Day past us and most college students done with all their final exams, we are on the cusp of the official start of summer. According to the calendar, summer doesn’t actually start until June 21st, but we’re going to go ahead and say that if the public pools are open, the months of summer have begun.

Whether you’ve got a big trip planned or if you just plan on spending time lying around in a lounge chair, there’s no denying that summer’s a pretty magical time of year. When we were kids, it meant the end of school and the start of three months of fun, fun, and more fun. For grown-ups, it’s pretty much the same… Except there’s some work that sneaks into your schedule. Oh well.

Summer is still a freaking magical time when anything is possible. So let your inner child take over your spirit because if you at least make an attempt to do some of these things, you’ll have a summer that you’ll remember when you’re old and gray.

  1. Say “yes” to more things.

  2. Make more time for friends and spontaneity.

  3. Wear sunscreen.

  4. Go somewhere you’ve never been before.

  5. Set aside some time that’s just for you.

  6. Stay on top of what responsibilities you have, or else they’ll come back to bite you in the ass when you’re done having a good time.

  7. Reflect on things you’d still like to accomplish this year.

  8. Drink in moderation.

  9. Drink not in moderation, at least once or twice.

  10. Fall in love as much as you want.

  11. Or live up the single life. Summer romances never last, after all.

  12. Just sit outside.

  13. Get caught in the rain.

  14. Do nice things for the people you love.

  15. Do something nice for a stranger.

  16. Get Starbucks every single morning, because why not?

  17. Set a fitness goal and work towards it.

  18. Sign up you and your friends for a 10k or one of those races where they throw paint on you.

  19. Go to a concert you’ve been dying to see.

  20. Go to a concert featuring a musician you’ve never heard of before.

  21. Stay up all night.

  22. Sleep in all day.

  23. Learn something new.

  24. Catch fireflies.

  25. Spend a day exploring your local zoo or an interesting museum.

  26. Take a road trip. It doesn’t have to be across the whole country… Just get in the car and drive.

  27. Go skinny dipping. (Somewhere it’s legal!)

  28. Take a bajillion selfies.

  29. Make a mistake or two.

  30. Trust that everything is going to be okay.

  31. Make new friends.

  32. Reconnect with old friends.

  33. Spend a whole day doing nothing at all.

  34. Relax and just enjoy life.

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Published by

Becky Blackman

If Becky could be any person in the world, she would be Kate Middleton.  Since science has not advanced far enough to make that a possibility, she's content with being herself: a graduate of the University of Kansas with a degree in English Literature, a Starbucks addict, and a writer.  She's also happy to be part of a massively talented group of writers.  When Becky isn't writing, she's shopping, surfing Netflix, or obsessing over something geeky. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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