Nobody likes going to the dentist. It’s not a fun visit. The poking, the prodding, the scraping. We cringe just thinking about it. We’re pretty sure everyone has these thoughts while at the dentist:
- OK, just remain calm.
- What are all those pointy objects?
- They look really sharp.
- Are they gonna poke my teeth?
- Or my cheeks?
- What if he has to pull out one of my teeth?
- Will he put me under?
- What if he pulls out my front tooth?
- I need that one.
- Sh*t I ate an onion bagel today.
- Will he know?
- Does my breath smell bad?
- It probably smells awful.
- He def knows I haven’t flossed since my last visit.
- He’s gonna make me feel guilty.
- Sh*t.
- How many mouths has he looked at today?
- Is my tongue a funny color?
- I wonder if I have any cavities.
- Do adults even get cavities anymore?
- This toothbrush tickles.
- Ugh I need to spit real bad.
- That’s what she said.
- *Self-five*
- Why is he talking to me? I clearly have my mouth stretched open.
- Oh god is that novocaine? Am I getting a root canal?
- I feel like “David After Dentist” rn.
- Weeeeeee.
- OK, I promise I’ll floss and brush every night. No bullsh*t.
- I f*cking hate this place.
- But at least I get free floss…
- That I’ll never use.
- Let’s be real.