34 Thoughts You Have at the Dentist

Nobody likes going to the dentist. It’s not a fun visit. The poking, the prodding, the scraping. We cringe just thinking about it. We’re pretty sure everyone has these thoughts while at the dentist:

  1. OK, just remain calm.
  2. What are all those pointy objects?
  3. They look really sharp.
  4. Are they gonna poke my teeth?
  5. Or my cheeks?
  6. What if he has to pull out one of my teeth?
  7. Will he put me under?
  8. What if he pulls out my front tooth?
  9. I need that one.
  10. Sh*t I ate an onion bagel today.
  11. Will he know?
  12. Does my breath smell bad?
  13. It probably smells awful.
  14. He def knows I haven’t flossed since my last visit.
  15. He’s gonna make me feel guilty.
  16. Sh*t.
  17. How many mouths has he looked at today?
  18. Is my tongue a funny color?
  19. I wonder if I have any cavities.
  20. Do adults even get cavities anymore?
  21. This toothbrush tickles.
  22. Ugh I need to spit real bad.
  23. That’s what she said.
  24. *Self-five*
  25. Why is he talking to me? I clearly have my mouth stretched open.
  26. Oh god is that novocaine? Am I getting a root canal?
  28. I feel like “David After Dentist” rn.
  29. Weeeeeee.
  30. OK, I promise I’ll floss and brush every night. No bullsh*t.
  31. I f*cking hate this place.
  32. But at least I get free floss…
  33. That I’ll never use.
  34. Let’s be real.

Published by

Jackie Eisenberg

Ithaca College '14. Bachelor's degree in journalism. Fierce theater geek and massive music lover. Founder of Ground 47, a blog aiming to profile and promote emerging musicians, artists, entrepreneurs and more. Shoot Jackie a line if you want to chat, have a jam sesh or watch "Parks and Rec" with her: jackieeisenberg47@gmail.com  Twitter handle: @jackieeisenberg Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/jeisenbergjournalist

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