Remember those years in the early/mid 2000s during your awkward teenage phase when you hadn’t quite found your own sense of style yet?
You and your friends all dressed the same, listened to the same music, and thought it was super cool to highlight your hair in streaky lines.
- You shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, and Limited Too on the reg.
- In fact, you got the Abercrombie catalog in the mail.
- You kept the fold-out posters that came in the center of magazines like Bop and Twist…
- And you brought them to sleepaway camp and hung them next to your bunk.
- You had a Juicy velour jumpsuit…
- And a terrycloth one.
- And at least one of them had 'Juicy' written on the ass.
- You also wore pants that had 'Too Cute' written on the ass.
- You had at least one Von Dutch hat.
- And you literally never took off your LiveStrong bracelet.
- You were a frequent buyer of the 5 for $20 PINK undies.
- You were, like, so emo for listening to Yellowcard…
- And your away messages had their song lyrics…
- Or said, brb shwr :-*
- Getting someone’s AIM sn was, like, amazing.
- And deciding who was in your Top 8 was kind of a big deal.
- You wore a shirt that said I’m kind of a big deal.
- The day you got your legit email so that you could join Facebook…
- Was the most epic day evar.
- You had 15 different jean skirts…
- And 12 different layered ruffled skirts…
- That you wore with bedazzled belly shirts.
- You had the matching Tiffany’s Elsa Peretti necklace, bracelet, and ring…
- And the heart tag bracelet/necklace combo.
- You wore the Steve Madden Bobbie White Sneaker Platform shoes…
- Everyday.
- Your jeans flared at the bottom and had leather tie-up laces on either side of your hips.
- You learned the words and routines to every cheer in Bring it On…
- And at sleepovers, you and your friends would split into two groups: Clovers and Toros.
- Mean Girls was your religion…
- And you and your friends dressed up like slutty Santa's helpers.
- In fact, you dressed up like anything slutty on Halloween…
- Regardless of the 35 degree temp outside.
- You had a Nokia brick phone…
- Then a Razr…
- Then a Krzr…
- Then a Blackberry…
- On which you didn’t converse with anyone in any form other than BBM.
- Your hair was straight as fuck.
- Let’s face it, you were clearly a 2000’s basic bitch.