Relationships are work. They’re aren’t blackboxes you can will to work through sheer hope, but take constant poking and prodding. Ever take Econ 101? Think of relationships as love economies filled with boon and bust cycles and all we can do is use our love management skills to keep them functioning.
Fighting with your significant other is a great way to keep those relations feeling fresh.
1. Fighting wards of relationship stagnation.
Without effort and attention to the little things it’s easy for a relationship to slip into stagnant feedback loops. Fighting breaks up the monotony and throws some electricity into the relationship.
Talk sternly and passionately at each other, or even yell. The fiercer the fight the better, just don’t y’know lose sight of it all and ruin your relationship.
2. Fighting challenges each of you to think differently.
During fights people trade of ideas and arguments. By regularly exercising you and your partner’s thoughts on a wide range of topics you expose yourself to new ways of thinking by seeing into each other’s insights.
More likely than not, you’ll both come out of the constructional argument with a new viewpoint.
3. Fights allows you to grow together.
Fights, regardless of who it’s with, makes its participants grow. By doing this with your person it let’s you grow together. Which is pretty awesome because you’ll be symbiotically advacning with the person you love the most.
4. Fighting is fun.
I’m no psychologist or anthropologist but when it comes down to it people like to fight and argue. Not to mention that it’s healthy for relationships because arguements lets you flesh it all out and start from new ground.
Screw going to the movies for your couples night — mix things up and debate the hell out of each other.
5. Fighting is an aphrodisiac.
Let’s face it fighitng can be sexy as hell. Passion sprouts its head in many places other love, and moves easily amongst its normal nestings. If you start with a passionate arguement you’re probably going to end up in passionate sex.
It just makes sense. Both of you getting all worked over some important topic, and then bam! T-shirts ripped to shreds, pants flung to the other side of the room, and a straight line for the bed. As notorious nymphomaniac Benjamin Franklin probably never said but definitely believed, “Let fights breathe fire into your sex.”
6. Fights allows for greater intimacy.
Fighting gives you a front row seat to what your partner actually believes about any issues you guys land on. By understanding their stance and viewpoints, debate lets you just that much closer to the one you love.
7. Fighting let’s you know you’re dating an equal.
Nobody wants to date someone that they think is on a different level than them. Relationships are meant to challenge us to think and live differently, to be a better person each day.
It’s tough to do that if you’re dating someone that’s not there with you. By fighitng with your partner you reaffirm that they’re smart as f*ck, and smart equals sexy as f*ck.