8 Creative Solutions to Up Your Water Intake

We are all water benders. Since our bodies are made up of up to 80% (or more) water, by moving, we are essentially masters of the element – manipulating (or bending) it at will. Behind this awesome superpower though, is a magical force – the element itself– and how it superpowers our body.

Studies show that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. I’ve heard that the minute you feel thirsty your body is already mega dehydrated. Not sure if you need more water? Look to your pee. If it looks like apple cider – you’ll need to up your water intake. If your urine is essentially clear with a yellow tint, you’re probably getting just the right amount.

Here are some ways to make sure you get the proper amount of hydration for your skin and hair.

1. Find out how much water you need

Check out this website http://www.camelbak.com/hydrationcalculator to see how much you need according to your height, weight, exercise level and weather.



2. Invest in an awesome water bottle

Get Your HydroMATE


3. Use the an app to track your water consumption

Waterlogged and Daily Water apps both give you reminders and scores on your daily water intake.



4. Infuse your water with fruits, veggies, herbs and flowers.

Spa water is the most drinkable. So add rasberries, lavender, rosemary and citrus slices with mint t make your water your zen drink of choice.


5. Use a straw

Have you noticed you drink faster and more with a straw? Why? I don’t know. But it works. Opt for an eco earth friendly straw. 


6. Eat high water-based foods 

Opt for cooling and watery foods like cucumbers, salads, grapefruit, cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries and celery. They are a tasty way to getting more water in your system.


7. Cut juice with boiling water

You might be thinking, “what the hay?”, but this is a trick health conscious Moms like to use to cut down on the amount of sugar in juice for kids. Take your apple juice in a pot and add boiling water. Let it heat until it simmers, then turn off heat and place to the side. The boiling water actually brings out the natural sugars in the apple juice. You can then refrigerate it or drink it hot with a stick of cinammon for some good ‘ol hot cidar.

8. Drink tea

Make sure you avoid teas with too much caffeine, but otherwise this is a great way to get water sips in throughout the day. You can also have a designated time for tea every day.




Published by

Bess O'Connor

Bess O’Connor has been in the Holistic Health field since 2002 and worked as a health and wellness coach and educator, healing arts practitioner, and lead ayurvedic therapist for the Chopra Center for Well-being for over 8 years. She is passionate about natural forms of healing, veganism, fitness, homeschooling, and healthy living.  Twitter handle: @justglownatural Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/makesnaturalsense

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