
8 Things That Happen When You’re the Blunt One in the Friend Group

Being the blunt one in the group is a tough job. You’re out there, faced with the duty of staying true to yourself, while keeping an eye out for your friends.

1. You don’t tell people what they want to hear – you tell ’em what they need to hear.

Your friends might not go to you for advice first – because they want to hear the sugarcoated version from others first – but eventually, they’ll run to you when they’re in need of that good ol’ real talk.

2. Your friends trust you with their lives.

They know that you don’t waste time on people you don’t feel too hot about. So they trust you completely. Because your friendship is pure, like, pure chocolate pure.

3. If there’s a face-off, you’re the one who’s elected to handle it.

When there’s a conflict going on, your friends will literally push you to the center of it to take care of it. They’ve got a firm faith in the fact that you’ll keep her ground, even when all h*ll is breaking loose.

4. You have no patience when people play passive aggressive games with you.

In this life, you’ve only got time for one thing: you, your friends, and a significant other. Between that, there’s getting drunk, eating, and napping. Life’s necessities. There’s no room in that schedule to waste on not being real with each other.

5. You inspire your friends to become better.

A blunt person isn’t blunt for the sake of it. They have a unique vision for how they want the world to be. Everything you say and do is for the betterment of yourself and the people you care about.

6. Your friends will also unleash their weirdest, most unapologetic versions of themselves around you.

Because they know your blunt tendencies, your friends won’t hold those parts of themselves back. This is why people often feel such a strong connection with you.

7. You’re always the one who tells the creeps to go f*ck themselves.

When you’re out with your friends, numerous weirdos will come up to your group and say some weird sh*t. Thing is, you’re the one who stands up and tells that f*cker off – your friends always crack up afterwards.

8. Your friendships are for life.

There’s a reason you and your friends are together in the first place. It’s not out of a shallow need for company or because you’re afraid of being alone. There’s an understanding between you guys, that you’ll be there through the thick and thin. You’re teammates in the game of life.

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