Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation

While a lot of women nowadays have facilitated the advancement of campaigns against Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation, there is still a significant number of women (even some men) who have undergone these procedures—despite all potential judgments and dissenting opinions from other people.

If you are considering breast implants, we’re hoping to answer a short list of whys, while also citing several advantages of having breast implants or undergoing breast augmentation. Additionally, it is important to fight misconceptions with facts and bust (pun intended) some myths surrounding these body modifications.

Busting Myths Surrounding Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation

Myth No. 1 – Safety Issues of Breast Implants

Silicone implants are NOT safe. Silicone is proven compatible to the human body; in fact, it is the most bio-compatible material ever known. Its safety and effectiveness are backed by the decades of research for silicone gel-filled breast implants as medical devices. US, Europe, Australia’s statistics and safety standards support this information.

Myth No. 2 – Breast implants feel unnaturally hard

Although breast implants do not match the actual softness of the human breasts, majority of women are extremely satisfied with how it feels. How the implant feels is being dictated by the type of implant being used, volume of one’s natural breast tissues, and the possible development of capsular contracture (the normal process of capsule formation when the human body creates scar tissues around implanted foreign material).

Myth No. 3 – Breast implants can cause breast cancer

This statement has no established medical basis to show that women with breast implants have a higher chance of developing breast cancer. To find out more on the topic of breast implant associated cancers read the BIA-ALCL article on the Australian therapeutic goods agency website.

To refute the stigma even more, here are the benefits of Breast Augmentation, which are grouped into three classifications, namely: psychological, physiological, and social.

Psychological Benefit

The primary benefit of breast augmentation is aesthetically enhanced appearance which is directly linked to the improvement of one’s self-esteem. The very act of wanting to change into a better version of yourself can truly be empowering. The decision that people make to undergo such procedures allows them to realize control of their bodies and on a greater scale, their lives. In fact, several studies have supported the current statistics which state that there are more than 92% of women who feel more confident after undergoing breast augmentation. A lot of women even said that while preparing for the surgery, they started to lead a healthier lifestyle that involves taking daily vitamins and quitting from smoking. In support of this, reputable doctors from Sydney, Australia found out that Breast Augmentation decreases negative emotional and psychological consequences of mastectomy, thereby reducing anxiety, improving self-esteem, and enhancing the quality of life of the patients (Gieni M, Avram R, Dickson L et al., 2012)

Physiological Benefit

A stable psychological and mental well-being brought about by Breast Augmentation contributes to a better general physical health. Literatures have already showed that psychological well-being is proven to increase human body immune response.

Moreover, the purpose of Breast Augmentation is neither limited to cosmetic purposes nor plain vanity. Like any other medical treatment, it also plays a significant contribution to physiological health. In fact, most women underwent the surgery for reconstructive purposes—to restore breast size and shape after pregnancy, weight loss or breastfeeding, and restore symmetry when the breasts are asymmetrical.

Reconstructive surgery is performed to restore function and normal appearance of the breasts and correct deformities from birth defects, trauma or medical conditions, which include breast cancer. In the recent years, doctors have been performing nipple-sparing mastectomy, which saves the whole skin that envelopes the breast and leaves the nipple and areola intact. This is done among people who are at high risk of breast cancer or have breast cancer that does not involve the nipple areola, and who choose to have a prophylactic mastectomy before any cancer develops. After the operation, patients who choose to undergo Breast Augmentation recover sooner as compared to those who rely on tissue flap reconstruction (Hannan, 2018).

Social Benefit

Most often than not, women and men are limited to participate in normal activities due to how they feel about their breasts—which can either be too small, or too big. We specifically included men in the list because, as what Dr. Eddy Dona claimed, breast problems are not just for women, men have it too. Gynaecomastia is a condition of enlarged breasts in men which is quite common, and sometimes caused by hormones, excess fat, heredity, or the use of certain medications. With Breast Augmentation, they can gather more confidence to socialize and build better relationships with other people.

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