City Or Sand?
Are you a beach girl? Or a city girl? Do you dream of your next vacation like I do? I love both the city and the sand. And I know that while I cannot travel right now, I dream of playing them lotteries and finding my next destination when things normalize.
So let’s talk travel.. when we are able to travel again, where do you want to go? Here are some of my pros to beach and city travel.
Beach Travel- The upsides
Beach life could be the best idea. Get to some resort and just park myself. Spending most of my time outside. Taking boat tours and waking up to nature. Having sandy feet all day long and feeling carefree. Letting the surf soothe me.
-Sand, Surf and sweet sunshine.
-Jumping in the ocean and the ocean breeze.
-Fresh caught fish
-Packing light
-Coconut oil sunscreen
-Straw hats
-Barely there dresses
-Flip flops
-Nights under the stars
City Travel- The upsides
Cities are filled with nightlife. And after this time Social Distancing, I may want the interactions more. Getting outside and walking all around a bustling city can be appealing and very energizing.
-An excuse to wear my cool boots
-An excuse to wear my cool jackets
-An excuse to wear my favorite dresses
-Happy hour with friends
-Outdoor cafes and people watching
-Walks in the park
-Bars and Lounges and people watching
-Supper clubs
Travel In Time
Whether it be a city trip I take first or a sweet beach one, I know that I will enjoy myself. I look forward to the happy faces, the kindness of strangers, finding anonymity and being amongst the crowds again. Where will you travel when all of this settles down? Time to daydream about your next adventure.