How to Have a Hot Girl Summer 2021

While many girls are focused on getting a summer body to enjoy their hot girl summer to the fullest, the truth is that this is not an essential requirement.

Despite popular belief, a hot girl summer has nothing to do with physical appearance. A hot girl summer is primarily a mindset. It is about living your life to the fullest and adopting an attitude (an aura) of a girl beaming with confidence.

It is about being true to oneself and realizing one essential truth to life – you only live once. This is why it’s important to break some myths and misconceptions regarding hot girl summer (as a phenomenon) and try to explain what this is really supposed to be about.

Now, a lot of people had to put their summer 2020 plans on hold. This means that in 2021, there is so much catching up to do.

Here are some ideas to help you get started.

Pursue Your Goals

The first thing you need to understand is that a hot girl summer can be about anything you want it to be. You see:

● You don’t have to go traveling abroad.
● You don’t have to spend your entire summer partying.
● There is no clear-cut definition or a requirement for something to qualify as hot girl summer.

While traveling and partying are generally involved, this is simply because these activities are there to help you leave your comfort zone in a fun and engaging way. As a result, these activities can be quite empowering.

It is all about being true to yourself. So, if you want to spend your entire summer bingeing Netflix or spending time doing indoor activities, there’s no one to tell you this is wrong. What a hot girl summer is all about is putting yourself in the first place. This means pursuing your own goals, dreams, and desires without allowing anything trivial to hold you back.

It is about discovering your real possibilities and restrictions without letting your preconceived beliefs hold you back.

Try New Things

By discovering new hobbies or interests, you have a chance to open up a whole new chapter in your life. Sometimes it merely takes trying something new in order to turn a long-time interest into a life-long obsession.

Some of these activities can even be great for self-growth. For instance, discovering new individual sports can help you in so many different ways. Unlike in group sports, there’s no idle time, which is why individual sports also boost your mental focus. They also help you get fit and, since in individual sports you are the one doing all the work, it empowers you to become more self-reliant. Needless to say, any physical activity can help you get in shape.

While taking suggestions is not necessarily a bad thing, it’s usually better to rely on your own needs and wants. There are probably a lot of interests that you either repressed over the course of years under the excuse that starting out would be “inconvenient” or “difficult.” All you need to get motivated to take this final step is to understand why this is actually worth it.

Even better, you should try a new look. Why not push boundaries with your own style? Dye your hair in a new color or buy an outfit you never before considered? A fresh new look could be more than just an aesthetic upgrade – it can also be a sign of a major shift in your mindset.

Increase Interest in Self-care

There’s no form of self-love that is purer than self-care. If you wanted to make someone else feel good, you would start treating them right. So, why not start treating yourself like someone you loved.

Chances are that you already know the way, and it’s time that you abandoned that dumb “don’t watch what I do, listen to what I say” mentality. To make the long story short, start listening to your own advice – at least those tips you’re giving to other people.


What does this self-care include?

Well, if you want to be really thorough and make a real change, you need to start by getting a good night’s sleep every night (or at least as many nights as possible). You need to drink more watereat higher quality food (even if you don’t care about calories or weight loss), and drop some of your worst habits. Other forms of self-care include skincare, paying more attention to your personal style, and fitness. Finding an exhaust vent either in the form of physical activity or meditation is also incredibly important.

One of the things that people often downplay the importance of is – removing all the negative/toxic people from your life. Changing the company that you keep might just be one of the best acts of self-care. It is also the quickest way to change your mindset.

To make the long story short, investing in your long-term wellbeing (in any form) counts as self-care. This summer should be a turning point in this regard.

Do Something Adventurous

Previously, we said that you don’t have to do something adventurous to have your summer fulfilled. It’s essential that we clarify before some people start interpreting this “don’t have to” as “you shouldn’t.” Going on an adventure is always a great idea, and there are several reasons behind this.

First of all, you can have as much (if not more) fun as a single girl traveling abroad as if you were to travel in a group. Sure, the notion itself might sound a bit terrifying, but there are so many steps of precaution that you can take to make it safer.Attending a music festival abroad might be the first thing that crossed your mind. However, some people are still reluctant to go into such large crowds.

There are some who find themselves restricted in their familiar surroundings, which is why going somewhere where no one knows you becomes quite liberating. It is easier to act differently when you’re somewhere where no one recognizes you. Once you get a taste of this freedom, you might feel empowered to stir things up when you get back home. Sometimes, it only takes a little push for things never to be the same they were before.

In Conclusion

All you need to do is start by adopting the mindset of a hot girl. From this point on, pursuing any of your dreams or goals will, by definition, become an act of a hot girl summer. In other words, it’s all just a matter of perception and attitude. The best part is that both of these things are 100% in your control. All you need to do is abandon your fears and be ready to seize this unrestricted power.

Having fun, feeling confident in your own body, and generally having the impression that you’re going in the right direction is what a hot girl summer is all about.

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About The Author

Stacey is a freelance writer living in Minnesota with her cat, and she’s passionate about yoga, languages, home improvement, and drinking strong coffee. Find her on Twitter @StaceyShann0n

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