How to Keep Your New Years Resolutions: 6 Tips

New Year Resolve

The start of a new year is often formative, a time of growthchange and development. How do you keep your New Years resolutions?  People around the countrmake resolutions to improve their lives. That said, about 80 percent have given up on these resolutions by February.

Looking at the odds, is it even possible to make a New Year’s resolution you can keep? The short answer: It is. You just have to take a strategic approach and change your mindset. So whats the big secret? 

Follow these seven tips and youll fully commit to your intended lifestyle changes in 2020 and beyond. 

1. Keep Your Goals Simple

Many people see the new year as a time for change. But you shouldncompletely overhaul your current lifestyle. Itmuch harder to keep your New Years resolutions and stick to a plan of that scale

Instead, hone in on one or two main goals and go from there. You can add additional milestones once you’ve made the first few into a reality. 

2. Break Down Resolutions 

Maybe youve resolved to run a marathon this year. You won’t just be able to do so immediately after deciding to go for it. Instead, you need a more digestible plan that makes your path to success clear. 

So, in the case of a marathon run, you might make it a goal to run three times per week, concluding with an extra-long run to push your distance further and further. You can do the same with just about any other goal, too. 

If you want to become a better cook, start by preparing one dinner a week to improve your skills. As you become more comfortable, add more meals into the fold. Otherwise, you might lose confidence or patience and give up on your vision altogether. These methods will help you keep your New Years resolutions. 

3. Do Your Research

On that note, you can’t just approach and keep your New Year’s resolutions with intuition alone. Instead, you have to take time to research how you can accomplish what you want to do. With that information, you can plan the best course of action. 

For example, if you want to do something more abstract, like becoming more sustainable, start to learn more now and see how you can implement eco-friendly principles into your life. 

With an impending home improvement project, you could learn more about sustainable materials. You can use something like bamboo for your renovations, reducing your impact in a subtle but substantial way. 

4. Add in a Few Rewards

In order for you to keep your New Year’s resolutions, you shouldn’t expect to be strict foreverMost people can’t stick to a plan so stringent. Instead, fill out your calendar with checkpoints at which you’ll treat yourself for a job well done. 

For instance, you might want to reduce how much you spend on new clothes. Rather than saying, “No shopping until the end of the year,” reward yourself by allowing for a single purchase every couple of months. 

That way, you won’t get the itch to go on a spree before then and overdo it. Strict limitations can push us to rebel in a big way. And then we cannot maintain your New Years resolutions. 

5. Collaborate With Someone Else

Moral support can keep you pushing toward your goals. So, try and find someone in your life who’s resolving to keep the same habits as you. You can keep each other going, or you can strike up a friendly competition so that you remain inspired and engaged. 

This idea’s a great one if you hope to accomplish a fitness goal this year. Workout buddies tend to get better results because they hold each other accountable for their exercise schedules. 

6. Falter, But Don’t Give Up 

You won’t have a completely perfect year in pursuit of your resolution — that we can promise you now. Everyone will have slip-ups along the way, and such moments can be demoralizing. However, you shouldn’t let such dips define you and all of your hard work. 

Acknowledge that you made a mistake but focus on getting yourself back on track. You can do so by looking at all that you’ve already gotten done, rather than concentrating on your momentary failure. With the right mindset, you can hop right back on track and continue moving toward your goals. 

Make the Journey Yours

Finally, you should keep your New Year’s resolutions and not place them in anyone else’s hands but your own. You can always bring in friends or family to support you along the way, but you have to accept that it’s you at the helm. 

That kind of thought can be a double-edged sword. You can no longer blame others for your setbacks along the way. Even so, owning your path means you get to relish in your success when its finally yours. No one else made it happen but you. 

Let that thought drive you on as you begin the process of planning for and pursuing your New Year’s resolutions. With the above tips, you’re well on your way to making your vision for the new year a reality.  

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