Oscar Wilde once said “never love someone who treats you like you’re ordinary.??? I couldn’t agree more.
The person who treats you like you’re ordinary fails to treasure the traits that make you most unique; that are specific to you. Your vulnerability may be seen as weakness or your sense of humor seen as immature.
They will roll their eyes when you say something silly or ask you to be more “ladylike.??? Because you’re not exactly predictable, they will try to censor, judge, or condemn your shamelessness.
Perhaps they once appreciated who you are, but something within them can no longer keep up with you or wishes you’d be more standard or conventional.
When you’re being treated as ordinary, you may begin to stray away from your best sense of self, as it’s being denounced or even ignored, and the pursuit of your own personality will feel wrong.
But the person who doesn’t treat you as such will acknowledge the craziest, most peculiar aspects of who you are and even enhance those facets.
You will constantly be challenged to be anything but ordinary with them; they will be on par with your spontaneity and sense of adventure.
When you’re not conforming to what is ordinary, you will end up taking more risks—and will have their support for the entire journey.
When you’re not walking down a conventional and safe path, you will feel freer than ever before and your wildest dreams will seem both valid and possible.
With the person who treats you as extraordinary, you will feel limitless and liberated.
So, don’t settle for the person who wants you to be normal.
Be with someone who complements your crazy.