Why You Need To Stop Trying To Please Everyone

Sometimes, being a nice, dependable person is kind of exhausting. The world doesn’t always provide the necessary tools to teach us the difference between right and wrong, and we’re often at odds with the lessons we were taught as children, and the ones in which we have learned through our own experiences. As a result, many of our decisions come under scrutiny by those closest to us.

Pleasing the people we love might seem like a no brainer, but unfortunately, many of us find ourselves giving up a little too much of who we are for the sake of someone else’s contentment. There’s a lot of honor in being a giving person, but there’s a fine line between giving enough and giving too much. If you’re suffering to please all the people in your life, you’re absolutely giving too much


Some People Can’t Be Pleased

There are certain people out there who are just determined to take issue with everything, and unfortunately, you will run into several of them throughout your lifetime. Maybe your boss is one of them, or your father, or your best friend’s significant other. Regardless of where the connection stems, or how long you’ll have them in your life, you will deal with someone who cannot be pleased at some point or another. Understand that no matter what you do, they will always look for a reason to be bothered by you or the decisions you make. Recognize who these people are as soon as possible, and don’t waste too much of your time trying to seek approval from those who will never give it. 

You’re Worth More Than Someone Else’s Approval

If you feel like you’re using too much of your energy trying to please all the people around you, take a step back. You’re a lot more valuable than your ability to provide for others, and you need to take care of your own needs before you take care of someone else’s.

Pleasing Someone Else Might Involve Compromising Who You Are

Being a good person is important, but sometimes, you may find that doing the right thing and doing what others expect isn’t always the same thing. Often, some people are on the wrong side of an issue as a result of isolation or ignorance. History will prove them wrong; you don’t need to waste your time doing so.

It’s Basically Impossible

Repeat after me: I will never please everyone. No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to make absolutely every person in your life statistically “happy.” You don’t have that power–no one does. Your friends, family, and coworkers have their own duty to make themselves happy, and they should not rely on you to satisfy their every want and need. If you desire to be the sort of person people depend on, good for you! You’re a decent human being. But understand that being good doesn’t come with God-like responsibility. Do what you can to make the world a better place, and don’t kill yourself trying to get there.

Published by

Lauren Curry

Lauren Curry is a twenty-something writer living in Washington, DC with an interest in sarcasm and a debatably unhealthy obsession with television. In her spare time, she enjoys taking pictures, spending too much money on shoes, and crying over fictional relationships. Twitter handle: @lcurry789 Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/lcurry789

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