
10 "FML" Stories for When You Think Your Day Couldn't Get Any Worse

So your boss went off on you today or maybe mother nature didn’t get the memo that you were wearing white pants. 

Everybody has a bad day sometimes, if that’s the case for you here are 10 stories from that surely will make you forget your crush saw you without makeup.

“Today, while out with my family, I happened to run into “the one who got away.” She smilingly introduced herself to my wife, who definitely noticed that she and our daughter share the same name. FML??

“Today, I was showing the Instagram of my crush to my cousin. He double-tapped the picture, thinking it would zoom it in. It was posted 5 months ago. FML??

“Today, my friend invited me, his girlfriend, and the girl I like over to his house to hang out. We hoped it would get me closer to my crush. The day ended with them having a threesome and me locked out. FML??

“Today, I landed myself a date with a cute guy. Once I got to the location, after driving 20 minutes, he texted me and canceled. Happy New Year. FML??

“Today, while on a flight, another passenger pulled their carry-on out of the overhead. They forgot about the filled, metal water bottle clipped to the outside until it nailed me on top of my head. FML??

“Today, I realized that the girl I like only replies to my snapchats if I include my dog in the picture. FML??

“Today, working as a CNA, my nurse convinced me that in order to collect a stool sample, you had to have the patient take a dump in your hand. I only found out he was kidding after I  collected the sample. FML??

“Today, I slid into a seat in a very busy food court that was jam packed full of seniors at the mall. It was the only seat available, so I was quick to jump into it. It was soaked with urine. FML??

“Today, as I was taking the driver’s test to get my license, I backed into a car. It belonged to the instructor sitting in my passenger seat. FML??

“Today, I saw my ex-boyfriend at  Wal-Mart. This would have been fine had he not broken up with me because he was “moving to Canada.” FML??

We all go through tough times and we all have bad days, you, your friends, your enemies, hell even I’m not immune from them.

I got a puppy for my fiancé a few months ago, along the one hour ride home she ended up having a bad case of diarrhea in my car…twice to be exact…

At the end of the day, you aren’t the only one having a bad day, tomorrow will be a fresh start and if tomorrow blows then just keep waiting for the next day. 

Try to find the humor in whatever your scenario is and laugh a little, life is too short to take so seriously sometimes.

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