
10 Reasons To Choose Passion Over Money

Ever since I was a little girl, I was absolutely atrocious at math, had no interest in science, and laughed at anyone who thought I had any technological skills, whatsoever. I did, however, enjoy one thing. Not just enjoy either, I obsessed over it. My nose was always in a book as a child. While every other kid would spend summer days at the pool I would devour books. My parents would force me outside with a Nancy Drew novel so the neighbors would know the weird kid next door was still breathing. 

It was sometime around the second grade that I found not only could I read these amazing stories, but I could create such things as well. My mind never stopped as I would make up tales in my mind while trying to fall asleep and still to this day contemplate whether it is better to try to sleep or get up and write it all down before it escapes me. To some it may sound odd, but as they say, everyone has their thing. 

Whether it is painting, music, or photography, most of us, whether we choose to pursue it or not, have been told that our passion will not be enough to sustain us financially. Some quit, others never quite make it and eventually settle into a more conventional job, and some pursue it until they make a career of it. I might never be able to make a living off of writing, and I might have months or years where I step away. At the end of the day, I have a great advantage in that I have a passion, and that is not something one should pass up. If my father is reading this, I will be getting a less than thrilled phone call shortly.  Regardless, I am here to tell you why I will always choose happiness over the money, and why you should consider doing the same. 

1. Unhappiness is not worth any amount of money

Working a dead end office job might pay the bills, but is it worth listening to your horrible boss complain all day when you really want to be creating? I am not saying to be reckless, but doing something more related to your desired field and getting your name and work out there is a much better use of your time. It might require a pay cut, but do not waste your life being unhappy. 

2. When you enjoy your work, everything else is more fun 

One of the main reasons people are unhappy in life is because they do not enjoy their jobs. You should not just be working a “job”, you should want a career. A career that you are passionate about. Of course, there will be times that you would rather play hooky and spend the day in bed. We all have those days, but if you feel that way everyday and are absolutely miserable because of your job, it is time for a change. 

3. Nothing worth having is easy 

Trust me, living a creative life is not easy. I write some things that are crap, share opinions that people do not agree with, and I often regret what I put out there. It keeps me up at night, I will not lie. Sometimes I want to give up, but I recently had a fellow creative that is much more successful than me, explain something to me. He said that every time you create something you are learning and that is what really matters. You are moving in the right direction, so please do not stop putting work out there. 

4. You will be surrounded by people who have the same passion as you

I love running into other people who have minds like mine. Whether it be artists or musicians or actors or what have you. It is very much a "starving artist, let's bounce ideas and wild stories off of each other" type of vibe, and it is amazing. I immediately pull out my phone after leaving and fill the notes section with the most random ideas which turn into the most wonderful short stories and poems. You will join a unique community. Do not be afraid to look to it for advice or a couch to crash on. 

5. Everyone admires people who go for what they want 

Do you really think that everyone around you is having the time of their life and living their dream everyday? They are not, I promise. However, everyone will admire you, although they may not always tell you, for going for what you want. Everyone likes a dreamer and it may just push them to dream a little too. 

6. Why are you wasting time doing something you do not like? 

This one is such a cliché, but honestly, life really is so short. Why spend time doing things you are not in love with? Ditch the things you do not like and pursue what you do as often as you can, it is as simple as that. 

7. Your day job is nothing but an excuse  

Everyone says they will work a day job and then come home and pursue their creative job. At first it seems like it is going well, but you start to get worn down, nights at the office run later, and you forgot the last time you did anything relating to your goals. Of course your bills need to be paid, but you still need to be aware of your priorities. Do not let your day job become your forever job. 

8. You are much more likely to achieve success if you like what you do

I have been there. I have my share of minimum wage, customer service jobs. From food service to retail to answering phones. I dreaded going into work everyday, did the bare minimum, and ended up quitting all of these jobs very quickly. If you do not enjoy something, you are much less likely to try your best at it. If you are doing something you like, it is way less likely to feel like a job, and you will excel at it. 

9. Proving the cynics wrong is so validating  

Think of the very best person in your desired field. Your hero if you will. Do you think no one ever doubted them? I can almost guarantee that they had people questioning them every second of the way. It will be difficult. People do not want to see you do well. Probably because things did not work out well for them. This is why you have to work ten times harder, cry fifteen more times, and call 100 more people asking for a chance. Stop listening to the people who are doubting you and listen to the people who have the power to give you what you want. 

10. You have already found something you love 

Most people never find something that they love or would risk everything for. What they were meant to do, if you will. If you have figured it out and have the time, ability, and resources to make it happen, you better be doing everything you can to do it every day you are still here on this earth. Do not squander your happiness for anything.