10 Reasons You Should Be a Ho, Ho, Ho This Christmas

We are constantly bombarded with images that propel couplehood during the holidays. We see couples buying their first Christmas tree, couples at holiday parties, and couples holding hands at the ice rink. We hear stories of couples visiting each other’s’ families and planning trips together. Who can forget all those advertisements on gifts for him and her?

However, there is that other side of the holidays; the side that makes it easy and fun to be a single girl underneath the mistletoe. The girl that is ready to mingle at those Christmas parties and take full advantage of her single status and freedom.

Here are ten reasons why you should not settle and why you should take full advantage of the fact that for the holidays, you can be a big Ho Ho Ho.

1. Although there seems to be a lot of people coupling up during the holidays, there is also that pool of eligible bachelors that are ready to make a trip to the hair salon, nail salon, or just your own blow dry efforts worth it. What was going to be another holiday party that you needed to make an appearance, is now the opportunity to meet a lot of men and take your pick of who is worthwhile of your time. You get to talk to the most handsome one, the cleverest one, or just get your flirt on which is always fun.  

2. Instead of spending money on a gift for him, you get to treat yourself and get that bag or those shoes you’ve always wanted. Hell, you can get that whole new outfit that is sure to turn heads at that famous holiday party.

3. Where do you want to go? Gather up your best single friends and head to a weekend getaway. Where do you want to ring in the New Year? There are tons of parties so take your pick.

4. You decide what you want to do at that party! Do you want to kiss that sexy guy that has been staring at you all night? Do you just want to dance? Or, do you want to do something more than involves candles and sex toys? The point is you decide.

5. If you just got out of a bad relationship or are heading towards another year solo, just think of all those days ahead that you get to dedicate to your wants and needs only. You can set up goals and dreams without having to think for two.  

6. It’s the perfect time to throw on those fishnet stockings and that tight strapless dress to head on a night on the town. The drinks will be flowing and the beats will be popping. Instead of another Netflix and Chill night on the couch, you will be discovering that new restaurant or hitting that cool bar.

7. This Christmas, maybe you get to go home to your family, but instead of all that pressure on when you will get married, you get to just enjoy your family time and see your old friends. You can enjoy your time without worrying about whether your significant other is okay or if he is feeling uncomfortable talking to your intense uncle.

8. Remember that ice rink I was talking about? Instead of lame date nights, you get to go out with friends and just enjoying being single, enjoy being hit on, enjoy rejecting men that think they are all that, enjoy going home whenever you want, staying out too late, or going to that second bar.  And guess what? You get to wake up whenever you want to the next day and enjoy the hangover solo. Who cares if you look like shit? Order in, veg on the couch, and recall how much fun you had last night.

9. You get to use the song “Santa Baby” as the background for the new, exciting sex you can have. Whole new positions, whole new chemistry. There will be no been there done that, but a whole new experience that is sure get start those juices flowing.

10. Instead of being in a bad relationship, or with the guy you could have settled for, you will have the freedom to choose to either meet new men, work on yourself, get to the place you want to be in at work, or simply have the hope that the guy that is worth it is out there and you are not tied down by some loser. You are free to let someone worth it in. In the meantime you get to do whatever you want, have a lot of fun, and Ho it up this Christmas.

Published by

Ivonne Ackerman

I was born in Cali, raised in Mexico, and live in NYC. I came here to dance, got injured, and found solace in Yoga and writing about Fitness. I am a travel aficionado, huge foodie, and a hopeless romantic. I try to learn from my past mistakes and failures or at least use them as writing inspiration.  Twitter handle: @iackerman Facebook URL:

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