10 Things December Babies Know To Be True

1) Joint gifts – don’t try and gyp me

2) Winter break = friends out of town = No shows to your party

3) Having to celebrate weeks in advance so people show

4) Swimming? Amusement parks? Any outside event or activity aside from ice skating – Not happening

5) Your love for ice cream cake vs. your love of not freezing to death

6) Trying to decorate for your birthday around the Christmas tree & lights

7) Summer babies get twice the excitement – countdown to their birthday and countdown to Christmas. We just have to wait 12 months for both

8) Christmas music playing when you just want to jam

9) Food babies are real – just think we have Halloween candy, followed by Thanksgiving dinner, birthday dinner, cake & drinks, Christmas cookies & Christmas dinner and then New Years!

10) Forget about wearing that sexy dress and f*ck me heels – it’s too cold to show that much skin and impromptu ice skating with a literal bust your ass finale doesn’t scream “Happy Birthday” to me

Published by

Sierra Danae

My name is Sierra and I'm originally from New York and currently living in NC. My goals in life are to get back to NY and make a living writing. I've been through a lot in life so I have a lot to say. Hobbies include cooking, anything with animals, watching wrestling and going to concerts. Twitter handle: httpstwitter.comSierra_Danae Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/sierra.danae

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