10 Things Guys Do on Social Media That Tell You to Run the Other Way

You're FINALLY over that extreme douchelord of a guy and you're ready to get back into the game.

One of the easiest places to look is Facebook. A lot of personal info on a guy is already laid out for you—you can anonymously creep every one of his photos and you can backtrack through his news feed history to see what kind of guy he is. 

Here's a list of 10 things that show he is NOT the kind of guy you should go for:

1. He is constantly bored.

"Nothing to do…HMU.", "So bored, let's hang out.", "Someone text me (insert phone number here)." These statuses should not strike up curiosity or excitement. 

These are red flags that say "I have no life, no hobbies, and I need someone to entertain me." Don't get caught up in that.

2. Drama queen.

If he is always pissed at someone/something and posts rants, that's another red flag. He is easily bothered, doesn't know how to handle a situation, so he whines about it. 

You don't need that negativity in your life.

3. Work history. 

If his work status is hidden, or it says self-employed, you MIGHT do some extra digging. While it's not always the case, there may be a good chance he doesn't have a job.

Don't throw away your dreams of a successful, working man.

4. Party animal.

If all his photos are of him in dimly-lit bars, holding a cold one in one hand and a bro or random chick in the other, just move on to the next fella.

It's clear he has a raging night life and probably won't want to change for you. Unless you're into that scene, he's not your guy.

5. Girl of the month.

If you go back through to find past relationships and find 9 different relationship status updates in a year, you might rethink a future with this guy.

It's clear things go south pretty quickly and whatever you start with him will not end well. Save yourself that month and try someone else. 

6. No friends.

If the guy has less than 150 friends, that's a little suspicious. Fake profiles can easily acquire that many "friends" in a short amount of time.

Check his newsfeed to decide whether or not this guy is even real. But with so many profiles to choose from, why even risk it for fake profile guy?

7. "I ddt go 2 scoole."

You can tell pretty quickly if a guy has a decent education or if he didn't try in school. Grammar and spelling is a good sign for a gentleman or a lazy bum. 

"I luv yu to" is a major turn-off. It should be a basic standard to only go for guys who can correctly spell simple words. 

8. Hater.

When he constantly bashes things—the police, political views, racist, ex girlfriends, etc. you really shouldn't be associated with him.

Find a lover, not a hater.

9. Girls, Girls, Girls.

Does he have double the amount of girl friends that he has of guys? Does he "heart" and comment on every girls' post in his newsfeed? Does he have pictures of a different girl every night? (Or even the same ones?).

Looks like he loves the ladies, emphasis on more than one. 

10. Egotistical.

If you find an album dedicated to selfies and an array of shirtless pics, you may want to move along. This also includes holding a fist full of money, showing off the latest toys, and basically one-upping everyone around him. 

He is probably super into himself, and that doesn't leave much room for you.

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Published by

Layliana H.

Hey! I'm Layliana :) I'm 24 and already feel like I have quite a bit of life experience. By writing about my experiences and opinions, I hope to be able to connect to you, my readers, and show that no one is alone. I love you all and appreciate your support! Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/LaylianaH/

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