When you just can't seem to stay mad at someone, it can be infuriating and a total relief at the exact same time.
No matter what they do and how mad you get, you can't hold it against them for long.
1. You get mad, even though you're a little leery of picking that battle. Like, really mad. You're not sure that they've ever seen this side of you. It's definitely not a side they see often, even glimpses of.
2. You fight, but you feel bad because you can see the guilt in their face. Sure, they messed up, but they let things slide with you. You know these things don't last long anyway, so is it worth it?
3. You take some time to calm down, mixed between not wanting to see them and already missing them and just wanting the whole thing to be over.
4. You begin to hate being mad at them more than what they did. The feeling of anger towards them begins to be directed at the situation, and the hurt begins to subside a bit.
5. You try to make your point, but probably fail at it. Whether you are quieter than normal, act like everything is back to normal, or a bit passive aggressive, they can hear your anger still in your tone and see it in your body language.
6. You give in. They apologize, and eventually (as in probably less than an hour), you forgive them and steal a hug, a kiss, something. Something to recreate that bond that was very temporarily broken.
7. You might even apologize for how you acted. We're not always proud of how we react emotionally when we're angry. It's okay to apologize if you said something hurtful or stepped over the line.
8. You exchange "I love you's" and more hugs, because those are actually a lot more healing than many would give them credit for.
9. You might discuss it a bit, coming up with compromises and solutions to avoid the situation again. However, the tone is a lot calmer than before, and probably how it should have been addressed in the first place.
10. You're back to normal. You realize how much you love them, and how that situation can't get between you two. The laughter is the same, and a total relief after those tense moments. You can't stay mad at them, and you knew you couldn't from the start.
Sometimes we need little bumps along the way to realize how much we love the other person and to remind us of how strong our relationship really is. Fights happen, and they allow tension to keep from building up. In the end, love is stronger after than it ever was before.