10 Things You Definitely Know to Be True If You're a Gemini Babe

Geminis are a different breed. We think a little faster, talk a bit quicker, and never take no for an answer. If you were born under the sign of the twin, here are 10 things you just know are true about yourself: 

1. Your dual nature makes you seem unpredictable and fickle to those who don’t know you. 

As a Gem, you're prone to sudden mood and attitude changes, often without warning. For those who don’t know you, it seems like you're erratic and afraid of commitment. But it’s just who you are. 

One minute you’re really into something, and the next, you could care less about it. Embrace your inconsistency. 

2. You’re really good at telling when someone is lying.

As much as you don’t want to believe when someone isn’t being honest with you, deep down you always know when you’re being lied to. 

Unfortunately for them, you know how to play the game much better than they could have ever dreamed, so you tend to give it right back to them twice as fast with no hesitation.

3. Your first reaction to stupid is sarcasm. 

It tends to get you in trouble, but whenever a stupid comment comes out of someone’s mouth, your immediate response is always a sarcastic one. 

This leads you to biting your tongue more often than not when dealing with the general public, especially at work, because stupid people are not worth your job. 

4. Your life may be a mess, but you still keep it together. 

One thing Gems are really good at is thriving in organized chaos. Even when it may seem like nothing has a place or purpose, you can see a purpose in everything and anything can fit into the crazy puzzle of your life. 

Gems may be messy, but you still know how to keep it all together. 

5. You need direction in your life. 

Without direction or purpose, Gems tend to become hostile and lethargic. 

As a Gem, you need to have goals and make plans, which can be difficult due to your sudden shift in ideas and ideals. Without some sort of direction, you feel listless and unimportant in the greater scheme of things. 

6. You’re probably the best flirt out there.

 As a Gemini, you can change to fit any given situation. This ability allows you to flirt with almost anyone (which means you’re much more likely to get your way with anyone as well.) 

But, sometimes this flirting can be taken too far by the second party, as you’ll literally walk away from them the moment you feel bored or threatened, which can lead to a huge misunderstanding. 

7. You hate waiting. 

If there’s one thing you can’t stand, it’s waiting for anything. A conversation, a date, the microwave, a phone call…whatever it is, you don’t have the patience to wait. 

As a Gem, you're constantly on the move, and having to wait for anything and anyone just doesn’t sit well with you. People need to learn that in order to be around you, they have to be able to keep up. 

8. You hate being told what to do. 

There’s a clear difference between being asked to do something, and being told. You’re much more likely to respond to a simple request than you are to a demand. 

As a Gem, you believe in personal freedom and the ability to choose, so when someone tells you what you’re going to do, you immediately become defensive and shut down. 

9. You need communication. 

You believe that the only way for any type of relationship to survive is to have open communication. 100% open honesty is the best policy for you as Gemini, and you cannot stand anyone who believes otherwise. 

You believe that without openness, secrets and lies start to form and you know that nothing can survive that storm. 

10. You question everything. 

Sometimes, people find your desire to question them annoying, but really, you’re just an overly curious and cautious person who needs to know the whole story. 

You don’t trust things at face value and you never accept half answers when you know there’s more to be told. And once a person has left even the smallest of details out of a story, you trust them infinitely less than before.

Published by

Janelle Allison

I like long walks on the beach and salsa with everything. Big city heart, small town start.  Twitter handle: @geminijay11 Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Janelle-Allison-593801321008401/

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