101 Lessons That Prove Exes Have More To Offer Than Just Heartbreak

Contrary to popular belief, failed relationships aren’t just a waste of time. In fact, if you let them, your past relationships can teach you a lot.

Both good and bad, heartbreak has a way of reminding us what really matters.

1. If you’re only open to dating one type of person, don’t be surprised when you keep getting the same results.

2. Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

3. Sometimes love just isn’t enough. 

4. Don’t fall in love with someone’s potential. You have to love them as they are or keep moving.

5. Don’t play house.

6. Find someone who treats you like their best friend.

7. Speak up when you need to.

8. Listen to the opinions of your friends and family because they want the best for you.

9. But don’t let them make your decisions for you.

10. Opposites attract, but you have to share some common values.

11. Be patient.

12. Love is a choice.

13. And so is being single.

14. But there is a difference between committing to love someone and trying to force feelings that don’t exist.

15. You are allowed to feel however you feel, without apology.

16. Communication is key.

17. Respect is not the same as control.

18. Relationships are give and take, but you can’t only give while they take.

19. Love covers a multitude of wrongs, but it is never an excuse for bad behavior.

20. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

21. Don’t say things you aren’t willing to back up with actions.

22. And don’t believe pretty words that aren’t backed up with actions.

23. Your feelings are equally important.

24. Timing is everything, but that doesn’t mean everything is convenient.

25. Love without hesitation.

26. Always give it your all because even if it fails, at least you’ll know you tried your best.

27. Remember the Golden Rule.

28. Always look for the good in people, then treat them as if that’s all you see.

29. Have the awkward talks because nothing is worse than not being on the same page.

30. Be authentic.

31. Never keep secrets. It will always bite one of you in the ass.

32. Trust is essential and you really can’t get it back once it’s gone.

33. Find someone who is willing to grow and build with you.

34. Life is full of curveballs, so be with the one who you never have to doubt.

35. Everything really does happen for a reason.

36. Trust your instincts.

37. Think before you speak.

38. Don’t wait for the perfect moment because there isn’t one.

39. Chase your dreams.

40. Don’t just follow you heart, lead it.

41. Let the little things go. Forgiveness is important.

42. Get rid of your pride.

43. You are a team, don’t play against each other.

44. Passion doesn’t always equal ‘meant to be’.

45. Don’t take anger to bed with you.

46. Be romantic, but not nauseating.

47. Learn how to disagree without attacking each other’s character.

48. Love harder.

49. Things like respect and loyalty are just as important as attraction.

50. Familiar doesn’t equal boring.

51. Intimacy doesn’t have to mean sex.

52. Sometimes tough love shows far more concern than just giving someone what they want.

53. So don’t be afraid to call each other’s bullshit and hold each other accountable.

54. But do it with compassion.

55. Do not trash talk each other to your friends when you’re angry.

56. Support each other.

57. Never stop going on adventures.

58. Find joy in the little everyday things.

59. Don’t allow your entire world to revolve around someone else.

60. Appreciate what you have while you have it.

61. Embrace every phase of life because everything eventually passes.

62. Keep your priorities straight.

63. Guard your heart because it is a precious gift.

64. Life is too short to hold onto toxic people.

65. Be the bigger person and just forgive because it really does set you free.

66. Take nothing for granted.

67. Plan for the future but live in the present.

68. Loosen the reins and let go of the need for control sometimes.

69. Don’t bottle up your feelings.

70. Never try to change for someone else’s sake.

71. Admit when you’re wrong.

72. And have grace on others when they are brave enough to do the same.

73. Cry really hard when you need to.

74. Laugh even harder.

75. You are so much stronger than you think.

76. Keep the sparks flying.

77. Relationships are not all rainbows and sunshine, anyone who says differently is lying.

78. Never stop putting forth effort.

79. Give second chances if you want to.

80. But don’t let your kindness be manipulated.

81. Set boundaries and hold them in place.

82. Cheaters don’t change.

83. Mistakes don’t define you.

84. But how you handle yourself through those mistakes does.

85. Don’t question a good thing too much.

86. Take risks.

87. Trust yourself.

88. You really can’t please everyone.

89. Make the best of everything.

90. Have faith bigger than circumstances.

91. Always fight for what you believe.

92. Be kinder than necessary.

93. Don’t let your mood rule your decisions.

94. Staying inside your comfort zone won’t teach you anything.

95. Be with someone who keeps you grounded.

96. Encourage but don’t enable.

97. Challenge each other to grow and strive to become better.

98. Be a genuine individual before you get into a relationship.

99. Because romance is nice, but it shouldn’t be your one and only goal in life.

100. Protect the people you love.

101. The most important thing to remember is that life is nothing without love. So love hard, love freely, and love always.

For more from rc, visit her writer’s page here.  


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