We’ve all seen the movie “He’s Just Not That Into You,” right? Well, if you haven't, I would suggest you do, especially if you’re feeling that he’s might not be as into your relationship as you are. How do you really know if he’s into you or not?
I’m no expert and will never claim to be, but there are certain clear-cut red flags to watch out for that tell you he’s just not feeling it.
1. He flakes on you, like all the time.
He says he wants to hang out with you but never makes any actual plans. A guy who wants you will make plans with you and actually follow through. He should want to see you, no matter what.
2. He acts like he lost your number.
After the first date, he doesn’t call you with a follow-up. Men who want to see you again call- it's as simple as that.
3. He's like Houdini with the way he disappears.
If he goes from texting you 24/7 to absolutely nothing for 3 or more days, he is either uninterested or in the hospital. Guys always have their phones and a simple text isn’t hard.
4. You're just his 'friend'.
If he only ever introduces you as his friend, that's suspect. Guys claim territory, as weird as that sounds. So, if he doesn’t want his guy friends making a move on you, he’ll make sure they know you guys are together. If not, you’re still just a friend and he doesn’t really care.
5. It's like he's hiding his family
Let’s face it; mom wants to meet the nice girl Brad’s been dating. If he refuses to let you two meet, he’s not committed. Meeting his mom is a big commitment.
6. He avoids relationship labels.
Some guys are afraid of commitment and you understand that, but you can’t fuck him into a relationship. If he clearly doesn’t want a label after you’re having sex with him, he may not want you outside the bedroom (or wherever you prefer).
7. Do you smell bullshit? Because I do.
There's no straight answers from him when ask about your relationship. He keeps claiming that he doesn't want to ruin the friendship. This is the worldwide excuse that means he doesn’t want you as more than a friend but doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.
8. Excuses, excuses, excuses
Over the years, I’ve learned that guys can pull believable excuses right out of their ass in .2 seconds. If he wants you, he works everything around you; he won’t put everything before you.
9. He says it's not a 'good time'
He tells you it's not a good time for him to be in a relationship, but also that he loves you. If he really loved you, why wouldn’t he want to be in a relationship with you? You’re an amazing woman. Wouldn’t he want to show you off as his?
10. You’re the only one trying.
A relationship goes two ways. There has to be a mutual level of effort put in to make it work. If you’re the only one putting in the work, it’s time to stop and walk away. He would try if he wanted to try.
11. He's always so nonchalant.
The way a guy treats you is the way he feels. If he’s not making time, talking with you, caring about your feelings, he doesn’t give a shit.
If he doesn’t give a shit, neither should you. Please walk away from someone who doesn’t choose you. It’s going to hurt like hell, but it’s better to walk away now than be the girl he keeps stringing along. You’re worth a relationship and more. You’re worth being loved in return.
Love yourself enough to let him go.