“Once You Realize you deserve better, letting go will be the best decision ever.”
It is really hard to move on from someone that you love but I promise you that you can do it and these are the things that you need to remember when you think that you’re never going to move forward.
You are surviving already. I know you think that you aren’t but you got up, and you moved around and you accomplished things. You have talked with friends and family and you have gone out even if you didn’t want to. But the point is you are already surviving and moving forward, even if they are baby steps.
You deserve Better. I know what you’re thinking, no you don’t and he is the better. However it’s not true, there is definitely a better guy out there. You deserve someone who would never dream of leaving you in tears at night. Who wouldn’t take advantage of your feelings to better fit his ego and only talk to you when it’s okay with him.
There is nothing wrong with you. You have to stop sitting there and asking yourself what you did wrong, and what is wrong with you on why he didn’t stay.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, you were a fantastic girlfriend and a wonderful human being, stop questioning and doubting your own self worth because some idiot was too stupid to see it.
It’s okay to be sad. Seriously, I would be concerned if you weren’t You loved guy with every fiber in you and he broke your heart into a million little pieces. It’s going to hurt and you have every right to grieve.
It’s okay to cry. It’s your pity party and you can sure as hell cry if you want to. If a few nights of eating Ben and Jerry’s watching every chick flick you can find while bawling your eyes out is what you need then go ahead.
If someone tells you that you’re weak because you cry, they’re being ridiculous, and you just let those tears fall because at least you can show some emotion.
It’s okay to be angry. Seriously get really angry, yell, scream and shout and let it all out. It may even make you feel better.
It’s okay to not feel okay. There are going to be days that everything seems fine and that you’re moving along smoothly. There will be days that it won’t feel okay, and you want to know what? That is perfectly okay, take your own time and take each day one at a time.
It’s not okay to give up. Even if you wake up and you could be driving the struggle bus, it is never okay to give up. He isn’t worth giving up everything for, because he wouldn’t do the same for you.
He Will Miss You. He is going to realize what a dumb ass he was for letting the best thing to ever happen to him walk away. He’s going to miss the sweet gestures that you did for him to let him know you cared.
He’s going to miss that smile of yours and your laugh, and everything else about you that drove him crazy at one point of time.
You will stop missing him. The moment he realizes how dumb his decision was is the moment you will stop missing him. You’ll stop looking at his Facebook page, the song on Spotify will no longer make you instantaneously think of him and burst into tears, you’ll stop wishing he’d text or call you and you’ll plainly stop missing him.
He will become a lesson you learned. He’ll have taught you what to look out for and how to guard your heart a little more. He will become a thing of your past, a time you can look back on and remember the good times but remind yourself of the lessons that came out of that relationship.
You will find someone else. You won’t be out of the game forever, a pretty intelligent girl like you is bound to bounce back at some point of time in the game. You have to do it at your own pace, but there is a guy out there waiting for you to be ready to tighten up your shoelaces and step back on the court.
He will make you understand why you went through what you did and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
You will be happy again. I absolutely promise you that this is true. There is going to come a day that you will not cry over him again, you’ll not care if you see him around and you’ll wish him nothing but good things to come his way. You will be happy, you will smile, you will laugh and you will enjoy life like you used to.
So when you’re down and out, and the sad songs keep coming on the radio, and it seems like everyone else around you is in love yet your heart is still trying to find a beat and your mind drifts off to him as it tends to do, just remember these things and eventually he’ll be a distant memory in the past.
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