Scorpios are known for being the darkest and most mysterious signs in the zodiac, but we’re not all doom and gloom. We have a softer side too — we’re guaranteed to be the most passionate, determined, and fiercely loyal ones of all the signs.
Deep and intense we tend to scare off most, but if you stick around you’ll be amazed at what you find.
1. No one can compete with our resting bitch face.
It may be wholeheartedly intentional or completely accidental, but we doubt you’ll ever know which one it is.
2. We tend to be introverts, so space and silence are sacred to us.
We can be social and friendly, but for the most part, we like our quiet time where we can decompress and recoup by ourselves.
3. Intuition is our strong suit and we notice everything that goes on around us.
Whether we say something or not depends on the situation or our mood at the time. We can tell when you’re spewing bullshit or you’re being honest, and we absolutely despise being lied to.
4. Our guard is always up — we can never trust easily.
It takes time for us to believe you have good intentions, and that you aren’t out to get us in some shape or form. Break that trust and you will probably never be able to regain it.
5. If we love you, we’ll always show you endless loyalty.
When we love, we love to the extreme, and hell hath no fury for a Scorpio whose family or friends have been hurt by someone.
6. We may forgive, but we never forget.
We can hold a grudge until the end of time, so it’s probably best to just not cross us in general. Scorpios have stingers and they aren’t afraid to use them.
7. Passionate is an understatement, we’re more like borderline obsessive.
We are very committed people. Whether it be a person, career, or even a hobby, if we decide to care we put 100% of ourselves into it.
8. We have a deeply dark sense of humor.
Not everyone can handle our wit and sarcasm. But know this, if we don’t joke with or lightly pick on you, it generally means we do not like you.
9. You won’t find a better detective out there.
We were born to get to the bottom of things. We literally live for seeking out information. Whether it’s good or bad, nothing can be kept hidden from us.
10. If you tell us a secret, we’ll take it to the grave.
If you confide in us, we are sworn to secrecy. You can pretty much bet your bottom dollar we won’t spill the beans to anyone.
11. Hiding our emotions is like second nature to us.
We do not like to be seen as weak or vulnerable so if we open up to you consider yourself very special.
12. We’re total control freaks, no apologies.
Change can sometimes be hard for us to handle. We like to make sure everything around us is structured and steady.
13. Sometimes we pull away from the people we care about, but it doesn’t mean we love them any less.
Fear not though, it’s usually us internalizing our thoughts and feelings. It’s easier for us to work through things alone then accidentally lash out. Give us time and space we always come back around.
“I am an undying mystery. Even if I share pieces of my thoughts, you’ll never be able to guess my next move because I do everything in silence.” — Scorpio Quotes