The bond between a father and a daughter is a special one. Little girls are princesses in their father’s eyes and are always treated as such. More often than not, a dad will do anything to make his little princess happy. Even if he doesn’t admit to it.
1. Play dress up
2. Let her do his hair/make-up/nails
3. Have tea parties
4. Watch girly shows/movies
5. Go to father-daughter dances
6. Have daddy-daughter dates
7. Take cheesy pictures
8. Let her play video games with him
9. Go shopping at the mall
10. Buy special toys
11. Learn all the words to her favorite songs
12. Play at the park
13. Learn how to style her hair
14. Buy/Make her favorite foods
15. Have dance parties
At the end of the day, he knows that she will always be his little girl. But he will still do anything and everything he can to make her happy and see her smile. And that makes all the difference in her world.